Jinnah Sindh Medical University Karachi Tender Notice for Procurement Of Miscellaneous Dental Material,Instruement And Consumable Items,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** JINNAH SINDH MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, KARACHI PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT Ref No. JSMU/W&S/PROC/NIT/1095 Dated: 09-09-2024 NOTICE INVITING TENDER Sealed bids are invited on SINGLE STAGE TWO ENVELOPES PROCEDURE through E-Procurernent online submission from reputable firms who must be registered and Active Taxpayer with applicable tax authorities (GST NTNi FBR List & SHE) and having relevant experience and capabilities. For serial No. 02, 03 & 04: the firms must be registered in PEC with valid license in specified category & specialties as stated in the relevant bidding documents of the tender. Earnest Mone /Bid Securi of Quoted Bld Amount 05% of Quoted Bid Amount of Ouoted Bid Amount 05% of Ouated Bid AmoL1nt Tender Fee Com letion Period 02. 0.3 i 04, 01. 02. 03. 04. ProcuremenVWorR Descri tion Procurement of Miscellaneous Dental Material, Instruments and Consumable Items for SIOHS De artment at JSMLJ Re air Renovation and Revam of Various SIOHS OPDs at JSMU Re air. Renovation and Revam of Various Buildin s of Cam us-I at JSMIJ Re air. Renovation and Revam of Various Buildin s of Cam us-II at JSMLI Rs-SOOO/- Rs. 5 000/- Rs. S.OOO!- Rs SOOO/- As per bid documents As documents As er hid documents As er bid documents SCHEDULE FOR ONLINE BID SUBMISSION ONLINE OPENING OF TENDER Name of Procurement Work Procurement of Miscellaneous Dental Material, Instillments and Consumable Items for SIOHS Department at JSMIJ Repair, Renovation and Revamp of Various SIOHS OPD's at JSMU Repair, Renovation and Revamp of Various BuildingS'Of Campus-I at JSMIJ Repair, Renovation and Revamp of Various of Campus-II at JSMIJ Reclevlng Appllcatlon & Submlsslon of Issuance of Tender Document Tender Document From 14/09/2024 to 30/092024 From 16/09/2024 to 02/10/2024 From d7/09,2024 to 03" 0/2024 From 1709/2024 to FLOOR JSMU Till uptoi 0:30 AM Till upto 10:30 AM Till 04/10/2024 upto 10:30 AM Till 07/10/2024 upto 10:30 AM Openlng ot Tender 01M 0/2024 oa,'10/2024 at 11:00 AM 04/10/2024 at 1+00 AM 0710/2024 at .AM VENUE: OFFIC OFTHE PROCUREMENT6F ICER DEPAR MENT Tender Documents can be obtained during off bours on payment of Tender Document Fee of Rs. 5,000/- (Each} (non-refundable & non-transferable) in shape of pay order in favor of Jinnah Sind edical University, Karachi from the office of the Procurement Officer, 6th Floor. JSMIJ or downloaded from Jinnah Sindh Medical University offi a website or Sindh Public Procurement Regulatory Authority (SPPRA) official EPADS b c e (f) (h) The tenders shall be opened rocurement Committee jn presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who wish to attend as per rules of E-Procurement In case of holida or an incident. tenders will be obtained/submitted/o ened on the next workin da as er iven schedule All bidders must submit latestCertificatesof GST/SST NTN a SRB Certificates ifa lioable alon with re Ilired documents dul attached with Technical Pro osal All rescribed taxes a licable under Federal/Provincial/local Government shall be borne bv the biclcler/su lier Sin le Sta e Two Envelo es Procedure shall be ado ted for the rocurement as er SPPRA Rules 2010 Amended 2023 Technical Proposal Etinancial Proposal shall be uploaded online on EPADS website as per specified in the bidding documents. Bid security shall be submitted jn hardcopy at above mentioned address in sealed envelope for each tender separately on the same day of opening of tender. The bid securi shall be furnished In favor of Jinnah Sindh Medical Universit The firm/bjdder must enclose in online bid an affidavit on stamp paper ot Rsv 100/- that the firm/bid<er has never been blacklisted from any Government De artment. It at an sta ethe firm/bidder found blacklisted the bid shall be re ected & not be considered further Procurement Agency may reject all or any bid subject to the relevant provision of SPPRA Rules 2010 (amended 2023}. All terms & conditions of SPPRA/EPADS shall bea licable. SHAHZAIB NAEEM PROCUREMENT OFFICER JINNAH SINDH MEDICAL UNIVERSIRTY INF-KRY: 293924 O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Dawn dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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