Local Government & Rural Development Department Tank Tender Notice for Repair & Maintenance Of Transformers In Constituency ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (SR) LOCAL GOVT: & RDD DISTRICTTANK. NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING oas€äco M RS-42022 Anr.uaay N00 MRS-'t•ms for rn81tM*1wcrks are het•etry mited basis or Sigwle Stage Single Envelope Procedure from tte contreciors registered PEC in tt' categuy ar.d havirq eolisrnent renew•l for the currontfinancial voar as mc Oat:eJTime Oate of Electronie Ccqnp• Bid As per 1 2. 3, 5. 6, 7, 8. 9, 10. 11. 14. 15. 16 20 21. 22. 23 26. 27. 29. 31. Bid Cost in Secu.jtaity (Million) (Rupees} 10,C0 PR-IOEÜar,k 12i0PM Terms & Conditions. onbne tnt•ouqh system. tender rum arid BOO oe N:J0d NIT , The bidders are required to Electrcaic bids oranc and attach scan ccpy ot Bid Security in Of:Oinal iD•SN3it Of if and submit copy of tho milted electrcoe Bd to lhe vocu'09 Entity* Agancy. favor LG&RDD On workshops are reglsteredwithPESCO. Tibe eligible a. Pakistan EngineerinqCouncutPEC), b. Insmctor•teofEketricity. Energy License in category All to in the Who registered with Inspectorate of Electrlelty. Energy & Power Deptt: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Of Elgefricity Aet 1937 under 48 R head Class E Lic:onse PtO"V'iiÉ Oft,O t warranty of the particulars as PESCO SOPs furthermore, tho bidd•rs must have tho relevant eodes above ment;oced worEs per P EC. The relevant codes be according to items mentioned in BOQ While the contractor category Shall be as per tho •somat0d cost Of the SChO"MS, tf code and category dOOS not match. thi bid bo non«osponsivc. bids be . Seated bds seni through registered mavcourier sers%e s.h0Jld reach to the specified time Md date as mrenlicned abave. deposa:s iA. Bid Secur•ty ak:vno wilh (Add'tjor,sal Secuity if any), for Ihe contract peopaf'éd after pnst'i-•tg ot NIT , titme Wd ag,py. lhe Of the Engineer The .Jot:ing nan below up to on the Ero.rjeer estimate StKJll with t.hCi bidS S-CCVity 01 E•rtgjneor COSI in addition 2% tid security or the bid s accompanied wdh requiféf armunt C' Bd&tional secuntytrte:n ee as non-respcns,ive Ette be in and the SO bC coos"ed accudingly. In case, a oonlfB.ctcy bids rncee tna.n sut"it with bk' secutily on Engineer e:StÜnate Cost the diffial at•nount Of gubrtti'tted bid and Ensinearestünaie along with detaArate aralysis. In caseofmore than 20% fthe bid not accotmgeruec oy *tail and requireø arrpunt ot secunty. tnen Shan be as non-respcosive. At the security submitec along non-resøonsivøbd shall in o' seea•td 6058-71 In case detail rate analysis submitted with the bid is. in view tho procurit•g Entity, not convinc:irq or me vocur•ng entry nuy ceeare sucn as With.gut *Ely Of S.Ärity arid The vocuhng ertitymay offer ccotaca to next c:iue in he ccntext ARCt o' by successftå ptocu'ing entity may the Ad&tjonei Securowith a bank guarantee cd lhe sariWÉnouu from the scheduled bar* il already dapaSi10d security in tho torm Any who send ihformatian in hard torm 'AsquNiftecLng:er KPPRA Act Sectjon reac with KPPRA Rule (431, Furmert•rvore procuring eruyfxec.utit»g Agency rectxnrnend sent and ilitiü,r take acS0€i in appeovcd protOduü as KPPRA Act Sect" 2012) read KPPRA Rule 144). will ret•tuin days ftom the Of (AS t.he Entity;" E gidd'n9 Tte PEC ard RPRA registratÉti (Active 'tax payedmust be year. to participate it approach Oirectc•tate General, LGSROO PesbaWar within two days before closing time of electronic epply fog tt»eir website i.e. finmce No. SchedJlea•ucdtheActibd C:aSO tho bid ftOO ••'i•ch snai considered Tt•e tree writ of ex;h as perme issued to me successru Within IS tt'•e will be c;ä.ncebed and secunty,r any) be t«feited. be releasee to ccotractottll aware per dirodives docunents from the office 01 any date. Ttys Tenter will also be at KPPRAv.Gb•Si'C testjfQJ1d sorts cd to parfomac by contractor on or rnay all the at any 10 award of $tx:cessful $.hNl respc«tsiue to prcduce certificate of nrk"dcoe from MPA Tez&icafl Committee constjtutOd & the of foe Any lt•nade in tertt•t Of & in N IT be AssistantEngineer LG & RDD District Tank Ass istant Di rector (Sr) Tank u Newspaper ( Sep, 'zuc'4) from Ausaf dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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