Local Government & Rural Development Department Tank Tender Notice for Repair & Maintenance Of Transformers In Constituency ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR (SR) LOCAL GOVT: & RDD DISTRICTTANK. NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING oas&euroäco M RS-42022 Anr.uaay N00 MRS-'t&bullms for rn81tM*1wcrks are het&bulletry mited basis or Sigwle Stage Single Envelope Procedure from tte contreciors registered PEC in tt' categuy ar.d havirq eolisrnent renew&bulll for the currontfinancial voar as mc Oat:eJTime Oate of Electronie Ccqnp&bull Bid As per 1 2. 3, 5. 6, 7, 8. 9, 10. 11. 14. 15. 16 20 21. 22. 23 26. 27. 29. 31. Bid Cost in Secu.jtaity (Million) (Rupees} 10,C0 PR-IOEÜar,k 12i0PM Terms & Conditions. onbne tnt&bullouqh system. tender rum arid BOO oe N:J0d NIT , The bidders are required to Electrcaic bids oranc and attach scan ccpy ot Bid Security in Of:Oinal iD&bullSN3it Of if and submit copy of tho milted electrcoe Bd to lhe vocuཅ Entity* Agancy. favor LG&RDD On workshops are reglsteredwithPESCO. Tibe eligible a. Pakistan EngineerinqCouncutPEC), b. Insmctor&bullteofEketricity. Energy License in category All to in the Who registered with Inspectorate of Electrlelty. Energy & Power Deptt: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Of Elgefricity Aet 1937 under 48 R head Class E Lic:onse PtO"V'iiÉ Oft,O t warranty of the particulars as PESCO SOPs furthermore, tho bidd&bullrs must have tho relevant eodes above mentoced worEs per P EC. The relevant codes be according to items mentioned in BOQ While the contractor category Shall be as per tho &bullsomat0d cost Of the SChO"MS, tf code and category dOOS not match. thi bid bo non«osponsivc. bids be . Seated bds seni through registered mavcourier sers%e s.h0Jld reach to the specified time Md date as mrenlicned abave. deposa:s iA. Bid Secur&bullty ak:vno wilh (Add'tjor,sal Secuity if any), for Ihe contract peopaf'éd after pnst'i-&bulltg ot NIT , titme Wd ag,py. lhe Of the Engineer The .Jot:ing nan below up to on the Ero.rjeer estimate StKJll with t.hCi bidS S-CCVity 01 E&bullrtgjneor COSI in addition 2% tid security or the bid s accompanied wdh requiféf armunt C' Bd&tional secuntytrte:n ee as non-respcns,ive Ette be in and the SO bC coos"ed accudingly. In case, a oonlfB.ctcy bids rncee tna.n sut"it with bk' secutily on Engineer e:StÜnate Cost the diffial at&bullnount Of gubrtti'tted bid and Ensinearestünaie along with detaArate aralysis. In caseofmore than 20% fthe bid not accotmgeruec oy *tail and requireø arrpunt ot secunty. tnen Shan be as non-respcosive. At the security submitec along non-resøonsivøbd shall in o' seea&bulltd 6058-71 In case detail rate analysis submitted with the bid is. in view tho procurit&bullg Entity, not convinc:irq or me vocur&bullng entry nuy ceeare sucn as With.gut *Ely Of S.Ärity arid The vocuhng ertitymay offer ccotaca to next c:iue in he ccntext ARCt o' by successftå ptocu'ing entity may the Ad&tjonei Securowith a bank guarantee cd lhe sariWÉnouu from the scheduled bar* il already dapaSi10d security in tho torm Any who send ihformatian in hard torm 'AsquNiftecLng:er KPPRA Act Sectjon reac with KPPRA Rule (431, Furmert&bullrvore procuring eruyfxec.utit»g Agency rectxnrnend sent and ilitiü,r take acS0&euroi in appeovcd protOduü as KPPRA Act Sect" 2012) read KPPRA Rule 144). will ret&bulltuin days ftom the Of (AS t.he Entity" E gidd'n9 Tte PEC ard RPRA registratÉti (Active 'tax payedmust be year. to participate it approach Oirectc&bulltate General, LGSROO PesbaWar within two days before closing time of electronic epply fog tt»eir website i.e. finmce No. SchedJlea&bullucdtheActibd C:aSO tho bid ftOO &bull&bull'i&bullch snai considered Tt&bulle tree writ of exh as perme issued to me successru Within IS tt'&bulle will be cä.ncebed and secunty,r any) be t«feited. be releasee to ccotractottll aware per dirodives docunents from the office 01 any date. Ttys Tenter will also be at KPPRAv.Gb&bullSi'C testjfQJ1d sorts cd to parfomac by contractor on or rnay all the at any 10 award of $tx:cessful $.hNl respc«tsiue to prcduce certificate of nrk"dcoe from MPA Tez&icafl Committee constjtutOd & the of foe Any lt&bullnade in tertt&bullt Of & in N IT be AssistantEngineer LG & RDD District Tank Ass istant Di rector (Sr) Tank u Newspaper ( Sep, 'zucƊ) from Ausaf dated 10 September, 2024
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