Staff Welfare Organization Islamabad Tender Notice for Auction Of Lease Of Petrol Pumps Site, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN ESTABLISHMENT DIVISION STAFF WELFARE ORGANIZATION NOTICE FOR OPEN AUCTION FORAUCTION OF LEASE OF PETROL PUMP SITE (14,256 SQ. FT), SITUATED AT TUGHLAQ HOUSE ADJACENT TO SINDH SECRETARIAT, COURT ROAD KARACHI TO ESTABLISH A CONSUMER PETROL PUMP, StaffWelfareOtganizatco. Establisn Divison. Government cd Pakistan Intends to cooductopen auction veasihgout its punn Site situated at Tughlaq adjacent to Sindh Sectetatiat. CouttROZd. Karachi yearly rental oasis ttrou•gh open ccgnpetiti'EAuction for a period of 10 years, further extendable with mutual consent of the parties. to Madefing Co,mparies ICMCs} registered with licensed hafng suffcient Petrol Pumps. expecienceindevelopir,g. financing. marketing and 2. September 2024att1:COam Organization, Coamunity 3. Only OMCS Shau be to p; the auction with the t. The auction documents can be minimum criteria specified in the obtained from the office of the Assistantpgector (IM&EJ. Staff VICHare Otganizatico. G•6. Aabpara. ls'amabad on cash Rs.30W• {Non•tedundable). which are also available Off'Cial we,bSite along company letter during Ofte iming, The 'IlEsubmittednotlatetthan02.•COpmm2ÜSeptembet 2024,The auction documen€ submitted by OMCs Shau be sautnized as minimwn eligibdity criteria specifiéé iöthe aucSco (h:-cment The detaded terms and corditiors pertaining to me cpeaÅÆtion specified in the auctico document reeds to be adhered to for particiggtictt in the auction process. The OMCs i.'y•thå auction shall have to submit the bid security (earnest as mentioned of the auctico document Rs. IS in the shape of bank draft pay&der in of Drawing Disbursir,g Officer (COO}, SWO Headquarter. Islamabad along with cause rejecticnofapphcatiot", Note:• only be bankdraftjvayocderof Rs.30W• (øciceofbidding docurraent MUHAMMAD SALMAN ZAFAR Assistant Director (IM&E) Headquarter Staff Welfare organization, Sector G•6, Aabpara. Islamabad, Ph: 051•9244575. Website: O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024 from Thenews dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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