National Highway Authority Lahore Tender Notice for Balance Works Of Periodic Maintenance & Rehabilitation Contracts At Risk & Cost Of The Defaulted Contractors ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** "SAY NO TO CORRUPTION" GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY (CENTRAL ZONE REGION) RE.INVITATION NOTICE TO BIDS BALANCE WORKS OF 04x PERIODIC MAINTENANCE & REHABILITATION CONTRACTS AT RISK & COST OF THE DEFAULTED CONTRACTORS National HOhway Authocity Bids from tt&bull&bull coastrtjctors, registeed Incorre Tax Devarrm,er.l and ale on Active Taxpayers LSt Ot Federal O' h3%irtqva11d PEC IEOi$.tBtiO&bulln in category Wth cotes merttoned agan each tolm,einq mcks:&bull MINIMUM ESTIMATED COST LOCATION CATEGORY & CONTRACT NO. SCOPE OFWORK BALANCE woaxs OF PERIODIC MAINTENANCE (STRUCTURAL 1. 2. 3. PM.2018-19.PS.C8 OVERLA'O AT RISK & cosr OF BALANCE WORKS OF PERIODIC MAINTENANCE (STRUCTURAL AT RISK & cosr OF THE DEFAULTED CONTRACTOR BALANCE OF PERIODIC MAINTENANCE (STRUCTURAL PM.2019-2C.PS.Oi RISK OF THE 639+300 ON N.S5 &mdash 1085+000 DEFAULTED CONTRACTOR BALANCE WORKS OF "0+000 MAINTENANCE (STRUCTURAL RH.2020&bull2i.PS.03 cost EAU TED CONTRACTOR &mdash sss.cco N-55 {RS. IN MILLION) SPECIALIZATION CSR-2Ct4 COOE act-.10 a CE.IO ཧ.960 CE-OI aceto 330.322 ct.ot act-to 2, Bidding procurement (Single Stage two Envelopes), bC avaøabE on tre v,etystemcnti01bY] from September 16.2024 free a' Prospce,ivc Binrs are also advi"d.tqruow the sajd waste up«es cr artd adde&bulltøunqs}, 't arty. 3. The cr bewe September 30.2024 till 1100 Hats. Bits be opened an same day at 1130 Hours. 4. A" Films are advised to get EPADS *PPHA) registration at www.eprc.cureJgoup.u ünmediatew, as Manual Bid/PmposaV Application COPY} will be eliminated in upcoming ptocurement$. 5, PPRA website at www»rmg«g.p PIOU)No.i763J24 DIRECTOR (COORD) CENTRAL ZONE National Highway Authority Sh2hput Interchange, Th0kar Niaz Baig. Multan Road. I-Zh0te Tel: 042-99232565. Email: [email protected] Website: o Newspaper ( sep, 2024) from Thenews dated 10 September, 2024
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