Military Engineer Services Rawalpindi Tender Notice for Miscellaneous Repair & Maintenances,Renovations Of Bridge & Roads,Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Bazar Supply Materials,TC For Minor Works,Repair & Maintenances Air Conditions,Repair & Maintenances Works ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** set I 2 3 8 10 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 23 3, 5 8 MILITARY ENGINEER SERVICES NOTICE OF TENDER Of Works Repau $ Ma.nten,ncc,&bull Rcoo.»at.onatB8R Wo&bullksu.ndcr GE GHORwp EÄtEtea cable. works}uoder GE f Repar I Renovation cdWa,ter Sup" Gas Sugpty Woos srs:em MtscB'dgunder eaag.e Rccd in Bugs at GHO ut&bullder GE 'Weather GS R&bullap T C lot or other than S,cs Ptasterr.g C Perod&bull.calSvcs dctaaed labh T-' I,'ES Regs Mud Piastemgcd Zcnc-l GE GHORwv. 1 C Ot Repag OthCt scs uud Ptastet&bulltg ate renders C Peocdzal Svcs detade&bulld in Tawe F MES Regs V.ud Plastenrp cd Zone-1 6 SubavnundcrGE TC Re-COOSI Ot Repag than Mud ELSRItemsunder GE Items under GE Fi:oc Ote S e OGAC Ihe ate requued to at &bullssuancc at tender documents shan be sautmzed nd ho tende&bullv dtqyiertts be &bullssued to the who have rete&bullvænt aids.abst@thö' c&bullcndtocns rcqured Pbar.d atea. C«ttraeors registe:ed wtthPECarenetguetoappty approved c' h!ES Cat 0' and above also huang overeoce ehcu% to dealtwith asper Para 331i)dPPRArules The Tteres:ed panes GE (A} GHO ccocerned auth«ized further EOChrs 1500 hrscn at Furns conaaears not aproned 01 '&S. furmsh&bullxi akf'tg Ot dutup hMid_ the &bull Nane Ot '"+0åS Atoned Oate or Date o' Plogrcss Von%s Commercecr.e&bullnt Yeats and Hand (Rs) Wc" Hand issuarce cd tender dccvnents. O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Thenews dated 10 September, 2024
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