Children Hospital Faisalabad Tender Notice for Local Purchase of Medicines Surgicals and Disposible,Procurement Of Medicies,Drugs,Medical Devices,Surgical Dressing,Medical Devices ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WALK-IN REGISTRATION OF LPDD & LPQ VENDORS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2024-25 Scaled bids are invited fm the pharmacie with valid drug sale liense fmn•9 havi:tw e•blisbed credentials in tens of technical, fitnncial and gpabilities f« disposables/medical devices etc. On day to day bsis the yer 2N25 (ill 2025), as pet imtructions issucd by Govemnent of the Putjab Healtlwe & Wical Edndon D*tnat, latwrc vide letter No. SO(P-IYWLP GuidelinesQ023 (gocuremett wing) utdO.01.2023. N«e: Lutim of harmacy shall bc within 10KM radius ofthe Children Hßpital Scaled bids are invited from the manufacturers, sole agents offmeißl wit! valid drug manuf#turing license/valid license to sale lic«e fn•ll m Pujab Ide having credentials in tens oftehnical, firarwial nd ma.•ial capabilitie for limitd through quotation for year 2024-25 (till Septäilbe 2025). As irsüim isud by fre Goveman of thc Punjab Specialiæd Healthcare & Educatin Depamett, Lahore vie letter (prcxuremcnt wing) dated:09.01.2023. Technical bid submission, opening & walk in it*rview for regimtion ofloøl purchge m day+day vetulors (I.PDD) and limitd purchase drou$ quüion(LPQ) will onmenioned below date. Sd Degription Walk-in registration for Purchase on day• to-day fM medicine, Surgical & Disposable/ Medical deviecs etc. Walk-in registration for limited purchase through quotation (LPQ) 02 for Medicil*. Surgical & Disposable/ Medical déviccs etc. Last Date Perciag of doesme•ts 2109.2024 09:30am 27.091024 09B Date & Tine Time Submi$üa ofbUs 270.2024 10:00am *lag of 27.092024 iO:30un 7.092024 27.092024 27092024 ll:ooun inteni" 2702024 12.üma 12:30pn Enimald Vee d budrt Inmin Off* of the ME 11.781M Faisalabd Off* of the 7.854M Faisau Intersted bidders nay get the bidding along widi daild lin of mdiciæ & surgical/dispsable items medical device fran once of nåmi$im of writtä'i application on letter head with a copy of CNIC on payment fe Rs. 1000/• thousand only). lhébidding documents will immediately be available after Biblicatim offis Mice. Each bidder will umsbbid sewrity/perfomance bid in thc stupe of BanKGuarantee or CDR from any schduled bank in tie tume Of uüßißd,. Mh«wise tender ill be rejected. All ttE ptoqremem/pre•qnlificaim walk-in reimtion ofbiddeß will de pe Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 with its up-to-date anaüMts. 'ffe bidding document will also be gvai}ableat of this walk-in registration tender nodce in news*r. MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT CHILDREN HOSPITAL FAISALABAD IPL-8548 from Naibaat dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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