National Highway Authority Lahore Tender Notice for Balance Works Of 04x Periodic Maintenance & Rehabillation Contract At Risk & Cost ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** "SAY NO TO CORRUPTION" GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY (CENTRAL ZONE REGION) RE.INVITAT/ON NOTICE TO BIDS BALANCE WORKS OF 04x PERIODIC MAINTENANCE & REHABILITATION CONTRACTS AT RISK & COST OF THE DEFAULTED CONTRACTORS t. Natiom.IHihwayA.tAwtY(NHA) Bids frorntl*0hNeconstruct0ts. registeredWiti IncomeTü Departmantand are on Active Tupajrers LStof the Federal BOMd 01 Rewnwe. haung vahd PEC registration it Categoty wit' SpecialQätion codes merooned each the lolbving i,wrks:- PEC COST LOCATION CATEGORY & CONTRACT NO. SCOPE OF WORK t. 2. 3. 4. BALANCE WORKS OF PERIODIC 920+000 MAINTENANCE (STRUCTURAL 929+000 OVERLAY) AT RISK & COSTOFTH&euro ON DEFAULTED CONTRACTOR BALANCE WORKS OF PERIODIC- 639+300 MAINTENANCE (STRUCTURAL "-2018-19-ps-og OVERLAY) AT RISK & COST OF THE DEFAULTED CONTRACTOR BALANCE WORKS OF PERIODIC 648+0" ON N-65 1082±000 MAINTENANCE (STRUCTURAL PM.2019-20+S.07 RH.2020-21.PS.03 OVERLAY) ATRISK&COSTOFTHE ON ".5 DEFAULTED CONTRACTOR BALANCE WORKS OF PERIODIC MAINTENANCE (STRUCTURAL AT RISK & COST OF THE ON N.65 OEFAULTEO CONTRACTOR CSR.2014 138494 186,161 143960 330322 SPECIALIZATION coot CE-OI & CE.IO CE-OI & CE.IO CE-OI & CE.IO CE-OI & CE.IO 2, Biddng docume:lts, coraainng nEUod of procuement (Single Stage &bull TWO Envelopes), detailed terms & condition etc, wil be aval±le on the webste mentiomd below from Sepicnüer 16, m24 fcr dDwnloa&1g tee of Prospecti&bulle Bidders are 10 follow me webdte lot updates at bid&tg schedlAe and addendum(s), it MM. 3, meBids mtBtreachatttE addreggnmtiomd below cn or below 30, 2024 till i TecMical WII me s.arrp chy at 1130 4. All advised to get EPADS (PPRA) registration &bullt wwv.& as Mutual Wedion (Hard COPY) *411 ilimanat&bulld in upeonng procurements. 5. TWsAd'Mtisnntis aeoavübleon PPRAweb$ite PIO "0.1763/24 DIRECTOR (COORD) CENTRAL ZONE National Highway Authority Shahpur Interchange, Thokar Niaz Baig, Mutan Roed, Lahore Tel: 042-99232565, Email: [email protected] Websne: O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 10 September, 2024
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