Chaklala Cantonment Board Islamabad Tender Notice for Provision Of Bhall Matti,Korean Grass Carpeting,Supply And Fixing,Benches,Terminalia Variegated,Lagorstroomia,Cassia Nadusa,Multi Head Topiaries,Golden Ficus,Cones ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** CHAKLALA CANTONMENT BOARD QUTATION/E-TENDER NOTICE UPLIFTING OF PRESIDENCY PARK CAItonment Board wtnmg the Ot Millbtry Ot Detence. ML&C Deptt Road Rawapindi invites Ejectronk toe supply ot toUowhq iterng cotnplete in all tor Chaklakl Cantt kea accordaru» the PFRA Rules 2004 has amended uMD date) from the finns, mal#tures / soe distrbut0fS / contracu:rs trms, Income Tax and Sales Tu Depaments and on LSt ot tie FÜraI Board ot having ctrrrnt registration Pakistan Comcihrui Chaklala B(Üd I*lng procunng for sr.N0. 2 3 4 5 O 7 8 9 10 11 mjanüy Cibt 30 Dumpers Bhall Matti (With jewing) Korean Grass & Fixing) Benches (Supply & Fbdno) Terminalia Variegated 24" & Fix] Lagerstrcnmi 24" ßupply & Fixing) Cassia Nadusa 24" (SupAy & Head Topiaries (Suppty & Golden & Fixi White Ficus 24" 50000 sqtt 10 Nos 25 Nos 05 10 Nos 30 NOG 20 Noe Rs.5& cones 24' & Fixi Bal Panda 24" (Sumiy & fixing) Major Terms and Conditions are as under I. quotations / tencBs shcxdd Olty submitted electronically mine. on betre whCh will be opened on the same cny elwtronicay at 11:30 an. TIW cumtractor will able to see comparative statement mline. 2. bidder submit 2% Bid Security Of in envelop in the Shacw ot call deposit (Miginal} ody through courier teto«e closing date md time. 3. case ot bid rate quoted by fie bidder is mote than 10% bebw the item rate, addtjmal bid security be from the successful bidder mlyto teje extent ot bid mote that 10% be10,v me estjmate il the Orm ot percentage. The amount ot aticütjonal bid security Shal equal to invact füW1cial tifference in tE qnted rates beyond estimate, 4. Electronic bidsOuldbe suwnitted ebctronicallyonocbefrethefixeddate itinu 5. The bidders can twmsewes witl CtWJala Cantonment at etender.mEoov,pk fM onli1e9idGng one day prior to the last tkte of stmniss.ön of electromc bids, 6. Emronic BKidi1g rates / on "Eadi Of GIGS digit* Mer ttw ")int shall tw consider«l for evaluation 7. Who prov&s atm shdl stand and will be under rue 19 ofttwPRARules, 2004 (Asanmded). 8. Time allowed for completion ot the work is as spedfied in NIT ü't frun tne •arce of Etter of acceptarce. 9. Electronic Bidswillbe valid fcr6Mcnthsandrates beincluéveof FOR destinatm 10. Su:cesstul Bid&r shil the agreement wifi the prcttring ermty within FHteen (15) daF after acceptance ot 11. The woted rates diall be incwsive of all Governnmt (Federal ProvhCial) Toes. 12 can Deposit ot scnedLÉd BankS snai be acceptue trom tne respectwe Batuq Account of me bidder. 13. Any bid received in contraventm enablWtg Of PPRA 2Ø4 WiM he #clared non-responswe by the entity. Catmment Board t*ing procuring entity reserved ight to accept or reject any E-bid on technical f adminüative groun$ under Rule 3341 ) of PPHA Rules, 2004 As amerded upto date). EXECUTIVE OFFICER (Chaklala Cantonmnctj Murree Road Saddar Rawalpindi, Postal Code 46000 24/7 Helpline: 051-9272476, Tel 051-9270160, Fax 051-9270150, FB/Chaklala-cb 1751/24 O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 10 September, 2024
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