Pakistan Railways Lahore Tender Notice for Tender,Maintenances Operations And Overhauling of Railways Power Van, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN RAILWAYS TRANSPARENCY - COMFORT - SERVICE INVITATION TO BID tor Outsourcing Of Maintenance. Oøorations and Overhauling Of Railway Power vans along with OG Sets Pakistan Ranwa•js itttetbdS to ogotate. mantajn overmul uc llan ts {Oiesel Gatctatio•g to etectriCity to train sets} Putdic Privåte Partnership. In thiS annecti00. seau:t] bidS I Stage two biddvog ptotecurc •d) as kid in PPRA Rules. the fü/ns ACtii,'e T axpayets L iSt (A1 LJC{ the Federal (Wd01 Of'lY it:xcs Acqui*lön System (WADS} will bd seajity&ai' subntitted bet«e Ck'Si09 ot tat,der poysic:at/ td"dcr box iO thc office or Chief Engineer. Bidder cp«zd tile comp•tcte scanned copy o' the lid in EPADS- docu•nents. detailed conditions. car' be tree o' The terot NO' iS this atverti:sernect bidd:iBJ t:mjrncrtts are aio on Pakis,twRaavaays md PPRA http•S'J/ WCbSites. bidS ptepiMeojrt accctdanco the instnrtims biddhg must subepitted on Bidditq to recewed 27-09-2024 at 110 and be opened on the same date at 11:30 (hmmittec No.3 ot Pakistan "C*dquarteqs Office in bidders Ot tmi Wtn e:txxse to attend. Engr, Shafqat Jamal Chiéf EICCtriCäl Engineer. Raitways HOOdqua.rterc NO. 042-99901600 O Newspaper ( 10 Sep, 2 from Dunya dated 10 September, 2024
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