Pakistan Navy Karachi Tender Notice for Procurement Of Mutton Dressed,Beef Dressed,Fire Wood,Chicken Dressed,Fresh Bread ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PAKISTAN NAVY ANNUAL CONTRACTS FOR PN UNITS AT KARACHI COASTAL AREA & LAHORE OPEN TENDER NOTICE 1 All GST & Income Tax registered firms/suppliers are invited for supply af fallowing tems to Pakistan Navy for various PN units The offers for Mutton Dressed (HACCP'HALAL): Beef Dressed (HACCP/HA LAL) & Chicken Dressed (HACCP/HALAL) are to be submitted in terms of Para 36(b) of PPRA rule 2004, i.e single stage tvo envelope procedure. Delivepj' of tems will be made by the firms at thew own arrangements All participating firms are requested to attach earnest money (pay order) in favor of COMDEP welfare and improvement fund AC ND 017001032961g8 (Meezan Bank) with technical quotations. Offers without pay order will not be entertained Quantity with Tender o Date & Time of Tender To NO 2. 3. Description Mutton Dressed (HACCP/HALAL) For VSD at Karachi Beef Dressed (HACCP/HALAL) For VSD at KaraChi Firevvood (For PN Units at Coastal Area Chicken Dressed Accounting Be Issued unit 490,000 Kg 350,00 Kg 10-09-24 3 600,000 Kg Receipt of Tender 25-09-24 1030 Be Opened On 25-09-24 1100 AM 4. (HACCP/HALAL) (Fp PNS PUNJAB at Lahore Fresh Bread (Fpr PNS 7,500 Kg 5. PUNJAB Cahore 2. Invitation to tender rms maybe collected during working hours from Office of the Commander Depot Group (COMDEP), at Naval Stores Sub Depot: West Wharf Road Karachi. Tender detail is also wsible on PPRA website ( Tenders will be received/ closed at 1 030 hours and will be opened at COMDÉP Office at 1100 hours an above mentioned date. Interested firmssuppliers who have preVlOUS experience of supples of said items may applyicontact for more details on following address/phone number: Office of the COMDEP at Naval stores Sub Depot West Wharf Road, Karachi c ewspaper Tel: 021-48508245 ep, from Businessrecorder dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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