Children Hospital Faisalabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Local Purchase On Day-To Day Lpdd Vendors For Medicine,Surgical And Disposable,Medical Devices ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** WALK-IN REGISTRATION OF LPDD & LPQ VENDORS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2024-25 Sealed bids are invited from the pharmacies with valid drug sale license issued on form-9 having established credentials in terms of technical, financial and managerial capabilities for local purchase of medicines/surgical disposables/medical devices etc. on day to day basis for the year 2024-25 (till 30th September 2025), as per instructions issued by Government of the Punjab Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department, Lahore vide letter No. SO(P-I )/H/LP Guidelines/2023 (procurement wing) dated:09.01.2023. Note: Location of Pharmacy shall be within 10KM radius of the Children Hospital Faisalabad. Sealed bids are invited from the manufacturers, sole agents of foreign principal/distributors with valid drug manufacturing license/valid license to import/Drug sale license on form-II on Punjab Drug rule 2007 having established credentials in terms of technical, financial and managerial capabilities for limited purchase through quotation for year 2024-25 (till 30th September 2025). As per instruction issued by the Government of the Punjab Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department, Lahore vide letter No.SO(P-1 )/H/PPTQ (procurement wing) dated:09.01 2023. Technical bid submission, opening & walk in interview for registration of local purchase on day-to-day vendors (LPDD) and limited purchase through quotation (LPQ) will be held on mentioned below dates. 01 02 Description Walk-in registration for Local Purchase on day-to-day (LPDD) vendors for medicine, Surgical & Disposable/ Medical devices etc. Walk in registration for limited purchase through quotation (LPQ) vendors for Medicine. Surgical & Disposable/ Medical devices etc. Last Date & Time for Purchase of documents 27.092024 09:30 am 27.09.2024 09:30 am Last Date & Time for Submission of bids 27.092024 10:00 am 20 2024 0:00 am Date & Time for opening of Bids 27.092024 10:30 am 27.092024 11:00 am Date & Time for interview 27.092024 12:00 noon 27.09.2024 12:30 pm Estimated budget 11.781 M 7.854 M Venue of Interview Office of the Medical Superintendent Children Hospital Faisalabad Office of the Medical Superintendent Children Hospital Faisalabad Interested bidders may gptsthe bidding documents along with detailed list of medicine & surgical disposable items and medical devices from the office of undersigned. On submission of written.pplication on letter head with a copy of CNIC on payment of non-refundable fee RS: 1000/- (Rupees one thousand only). The bidding documents will immediately be ay i able after publication of this tender notice. Each bidder will furnish bid security/perfprmance guarantee amounting to Rs-50,000/- for each tender with the bid in the shape of Bank Guarantee or CDR from any scheduled bank in the name of undersigned, otherwise tender will be rejected. All the procurement/pre-qualification walk-in registration of bidders will be done as per Punjab Procurement Rules 2014 with its up-to-date amendments. The bidding document will also be available at & after advertisement of this walk-in registration tender notice in newspaper. IPL # 8548 Sd/- Medical Superintendent Children Hospital Faisalabad from Businessrecorder dated 10 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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