Sheikh Zayed Medical College Rahim Yar Khan Tender Notice 3 for Procurement Of Purchase Of Biomedical Equipment For Dental Department,Procurement Of Purchase Of Biomedical Equipment Diathermy Machine For O.T Department,Repair And Purchase Of Equipment,Repair & Purchase Of Equipements ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SHE!KH zAYEp COLLEGE RAHIM TENDER NOTICE Invitation for bids Management Of Sheikh Zayed Medical Collegc/llospital Rahim Yar Khan, invites sealed bids /icnders from the eligib]c bidders i.e. manufacturer / association Of firrns'companies/sole proprietori general order suppliers' JVg, registcrcd with relevant Registration Authorities and T'LX Department*' Authorities (Income Tax. Sales Tax & Punjab Sales Tax etc. for the procurement or below mentioned tenders for financial year 2024-25. l. Purchase Of Biomedical Equipmcnts for Dental Department 2. Purchase of Biomedical Equipments (Diathermy Machine for O.T Department 3. Repair Purchase of Equipment of Neonatal ICU and Pediatric ICU OF ANP OFTENI)ER Interested bidders may get the bidding documents from procurement section institution on submission of b'Tittcn application along with payment of non-refundable fee of Rs.2,OOOf- (two thousand only) of each tender, as schedule given below during working hours only, of the bidding documents/ immediately after the publication of this advertisement. al website/PPRA website. requirements is also available for information on sti o estimated cost of each tender in the The bidder shall furnish a bid security f form of call deposit receipt (CD name of the Principal, Sheikh Zayed Khan (Rcfundåble) in rupees in financial Medical Collegemospital, Rahi bid and copy of CDR must Sealed bids are required to interested bidders on th technical bid otherwise the bid will be rejected. ht in person by thc authorized representative of the dates up-to 10:30 am and will be opened on the same 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ommittee room or this institute in the presence of the bidders or day at II am in their authorized sentatives. Bids received after due time will not be entertained. PPRA rules 4 along-with all amendments will be followed. on F.O.R. basis as free delivery to the consignee's end in Pak rupees. Rates sho terms and conditions I method for the preparation and submission of bids, For d please consult the bidding documents. In case the date or opening or last date of sale is declared as the public holiday by the government or non-working day due to any reason. the next ollicial working day shall be deemed to be the date of sale and submission and opening of tenders accordingly, the time and venue shall remain the same, Single stage- two envelop procedure, as per rule 38 (2) (a) of PPRA rules 2014, shall be applied. O Newspaper ( 09 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 09 September, 2024
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