School Education Department Lahore Tender Notice 2 for Procurement Of Stationery,Computer Stationery,Printing And Publication,Cost Of Other Store,Entertainment And Gift,Repair Of Transport ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Governrnent of the Punjab (Sd'tool Educatbn Department) invaes tenders for Fratnework Contract year 2024•25 under tt•e Purtab Procurement Rules 2014. for following gc»ds from Firms with Irxa•ne Tax and Sales Tax Autun•cs tm bass rates as montiotwd in tender 2. 4. 5. Statbwry Catwter Staumery Cost ot ot'ors Repag of 7.916000b 4.8590001. .49tM0/. t248.CUY. 233.0001. sm:y. 13.314.000/. 2. 3. 4 c The can subn•tit tot 9CR'ds (one au) vo PPRA • EPAD (e.Pak Acquisition and System) and atsosubmit in School Education Departrnent with&i stipulated umooerjcd Tender Ocxun•tent Witn me coowete caÜbO downloaded from me website The Shan be in Punjab Ru10j. 14 on a single stage - Two Envelope A sir* package containing •separøto Technical and Financial Bids duty signed. in cmformity with Tender Document should reach tho office of the undersigned on or before 23.09.2024 at 11.00 a.m. Proposals wil first bo opened by the Purchase Committee at 11.30 a.m. on sarto day In tho office Of Additional Secretary (General). School Education Department. I I-A Lawrence Road, Lahore. Only the firms are techneally qualifying Shau be invited for the opening of their financial bids in the presonco of suctvrepresentativos o! the bidders as care to be present at that Omo. Bids which are incomplete, un-signed and un.stantped in accordancewiü'ti the specified mode T"nd Sales Tax Registrat&i Cert&ate. Cali Depasit @ 5% of tho estimated price (poco of prtx:urement estimated by procuring agency before in&tåon of the process of prcrurement) Ruh 27 ot PPRA Ru1es. 2014 as earnest rnaetey in of Offrer (Gene). Schoe Educat•n Departrnent and other d«uments as in Oocutnent must accomoany bids. Taxes w/l be (SdQx:ted per Pu*b WeWb: ewspaper ep, from Ppra dated 09 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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