Punjab Highway Department Multan Tender Notice for Procurement Of Ao9301-Stationery,Ao3955-Computer Stationery,Ao3902 Printing Charges,Transport Repair,Machinery And Equipment Repair ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE Multan Region iNÄtes E-Bids for purchasefprmqsion of MSc. basad on Frantevnrk Conu&bullact from Biddes ,gnpanks, sl.»pliers, rranufo:turers or authorized agents 'dealers/ c%tributers (TVS if app'cabk) etc. engag8i in trading, with relevant Registration Authcrities ard Tax Departntent,/ ALRhcritjes (Inarne Tax, sales Tax & Punjab Sales Tax et.) bidd item wiSebasis for Financial year 2024-2025 in Head of Acour& A03901.Statlone Head of Statio Amount Bid Anuxant h PKR Millims inPKR 2. 3, 4. 6. Others A038C7.POl. Cha A13101-MdChlne & ui 3303-otr,et s Re of Build' 3 2.0 12,0 6.0 0.10 0125 0.50 O, 60 0.07 2. A1 t:ræ made using thn»gh EPÅDS Rule 12 Of PPRA 5 Pl.mbb Electronk Pft:cure Regulations 2022. T'ie bidc*g ccntainhg all terrrs & ccodibans, spe:ißzation etc. can downbade:i on5re at PPRA i.e ht.tpflpprarpunjab.wypk and EPADS website ie Httml/m befcee dosipg date ard tirne. Biddirg dcrunents in acard.arce vRh Rule 25(2) may be milaBe irnrrædiatebr&bull after of publicatico under Rule 25(i) free ofcostcci PPRA Website ard EPADS in accordarce With sub Punjab Regulation 2022. In Cbe cf bolkBy die any date recåirg arc openirg me tenders Will be cc.&bulltswered the r&bullut wortjng (Ly. 3. each Itern shall ca&bullnptise a sir* antainirg Techne and finardal cf all ard iii ompleb2 confotmty with Bidding must be fol *bedule:- E.Bid submission Date & Time E-Bid Opening Date Time at tidders their wo&bulluld be E-Prt&bullcur system (E-PADS) Website as 30.09.2024 till 11:00 AM 30.09+2024 till 11*0 AM 4, bidders Shallsubmitociginal bid sectfiity the abjætable under Rule27 of PPRA 2014, Chapter V in an envelope &arty with biddir&bullg dxo-oent nurnter tile. It most be in Shag* of CCR"Bank Guarantee I Oemard Draft / Pay Ordæ Ofaty bark in of Sloe,rmterdent of Pc&æ, PunÉb Patra, Mukan 9jah Cdcny Multan before submission shall(dqnsit *ffctmaoæ guarantee under PPRA RIAes 2014, Se:tion 56, Sv Cfi acce.*ance of bidders Chapt« VII' @ total contract in form cf degost at call in name of fie of Pclke, PunBb Multan Region, House No.14, F-BW'* Shah Ruim-e-Alam G)lony, Multan ard daw tt&bulle contract Perforn-e&bullnce Guarante shall refi,rded succes<ul convetion of contract. 6. (1) The pollC% patrol, Multan Multan ri$itS to all F proposals at any tjrne Dd--eaxeponce of a E-Bids or propsls under Rule 35 of PPRA 2014. 7. (ii) The prccuring shall upco request ammunicate to aw gro.lnc% for its reEctjon of all E-8& or shall to ju5tjfy those grouncls. B, Tertle&bullnng be as pungb Rules, 2014, Single Sbge" OTW0 Envel« E-Bkßing Docurnents Technical %rnplgfrochve etc tan be whidl will evaluatei 9, Incorne/sabs tn&bullregisoation ættjrate and docurnentsas in E-Bd:iing docus rrust T&ttniül Eidsa&bullatas as per tu&mdash 20, E-Bid til the Of i.e 3006.2025 IL The revetortetsshall cf rule (59 (c) (iv). 12, Late Corners Will be to in tte 13. Tt&bulle firrnwill have to 03 14. &bulln&bullefirm Will have E) prairie 01 c ewspaper Estimated cost: 41 Million (MUHAMMAD S Superin punjab Hi ep, AN NIAZI) PSP Of police, from Ppra dated 09 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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