Population Welfare Department Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Pharmaceutical,Medical Devices Manufacturing Units And Sole Agents Of Foreign Princpals Of Contraceptives,Drugs And Medical Devices ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** DIRECTORATE GENERAL OPULATION WELFAREDEPARTMENT GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB INVITATION FOR PREQUALIFICATION (2024-25) PHARMACEUTICAL/MEDICAL DEVICE MANUFACTURING UNITS AND SOLE AGENTS OF FOREIGN PRINCIPALS OF CONTRACEPTIVES (DRUGS AND MEDICAL DEVICES) FOR PWD, GOVERNMENT OF PUNJAB. Directorate General of Population Welfare Department. Government of the Punjab intends to procure Contraceptives Drugs and Medical Devices) Male Latex Condom, COC Cycles, POP Pills. ECP Pills, ltJCD (C'u-T380A), Implant Etonogestrel 68mg, Barium Sulfate and Ethylene Vinylacetate copolymer. (Single Rod). Implant Levonorgestrel 7Smg implants. (Two Rod). Injection DMPA months), Disp. Syringe Iml Auto Disable fleur lock 22G 1.25") during FY 2024-25, and invites Applications of Foreign Manufacturers enlisted/registered with having established credentials in terms of technical A complete set of Prequalification Document epn I Manufacturer, Sole Agents Regulatory Authority of Pakistan ial & managerial capabilities. loaded at 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. free Govt. of the Punjab directed zill ts vide letter No. 5-4/2024 dated 9th May, 2024 that E-Procfeitt shall be mandatory for all Public Offices in Punjab with effect from 024. In the light of thc G0Ä Instructions the DGPWD calls the Applic for Prequalification Of firms for purchase Of contraceptives through NO bid will be accepted Other than Procurement System PPRA&bdquo Applications for ucatic%'l should be upload on EPADS along with necessary documents 24.09. 2"ilI 11:00 hours in PDF format. The opening o lications shall be at 11 hours on 24.09.2024, in the Committee Room Offic "'bf&bullihe Director General, Population Welfare Department, IA-Babar Block, New Gard own, Lahore. Prequal will be governed under the Punjab Procurement Rules 2014{amended}. n of false, fabricated or materially incorrect information, if found at any stage will lead to disqualification. Pre-Application meeting will be held on 16.09.2024 at I I .CX) A.M under the chairpersonship of Purchase Committee in the Committee Room of DGPWD, Punjab The Request foc Proposals (RFP) will be celled only from the Prequalified Finns by the concerned procurung agency. In case the date of opening or last date of submission is declared as a public holiday ornon-working day due to any reason, the next official working day shall be deemed to be the date of submission and opening of Application&bull accordingly. The time and venue shall remain same INCHARGE PROCUREMENT & LOGISTICS CELL Directorate Generals Population Welfare Department, Government Of Punjab, 14- Babar Block, New Garden Town, Lahore, Pakistan Phone +92-42-99232478 O Newspaper ( 09 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 09 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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