Public Sector Organization Islamabad Tender Notice for Supply & Installation Of 01 No.Passengers Lifts ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE NO. 38/2024 & 39/2024 A PuWiC sector Otga.nzatctl invites s.Qüd tenders the v.O'kS frCt&bulln ant secuiti vose Cleared Mechanicallift Firms having potential experience in the field at Semi-imported Wc" asper under n&bullænticaedscheduåe : Tender EstiÜted Tender Terder Submission Bid Security TenderOpening Period for No. Name of Work Supv%' and Installatcn cd 01 Passenger liftand01 NO Cargo Lift Site neat Supgy and 0102 NOS, Bed at Cost 21,བ Mlllion 20.10 Mlll,on Fee Rs, 3SW- Rs, Date & 26-09-202Z 26-04 MI IIM Oate & Time C etion 2642024 25 at 1100hts, 2642024 at 1130h,s, render documents un be ö&bullt'.ained during '*Ming offce, Islamabad, are required to subtri* their The scrutinized and satisfy specie' . to 1600Hrs.) to Fiday from urtd,er&bull issuance cd tender decurr.ents their aedentials. C51ybe te frrnswt.Ohave ni, Issuanceoftenderdoc,umentsshatlbe Fixed Bid Securityamountngtö Rs. Ota for each tenderin form Of CDR Sanus of Pakistan. asspecifed in Tender qc&bullcihientsshatl have 10 be submitted ator,g with Eid. However. if any bidder opts to subrrtit GankGuaranty, it mvsthave ane#irydate of atleast6monthsfromthedate o'bld opening. Off'.orw&bullse. bidShan beroiected Bid Secuity rnust sealed envezpe abng with nante Of woe eearty v. bidder a&bulliginaa & both sha' be sesed, and and name C'wo&bull'k thc é,nveopo. Ra:es shall te and words in cotumns. In case ccnffjct in f.gwes and words. the rate quoted in weds *'au peeved, Cont*teatauthetity may reaoctarvy'Ct an proposals at anytime to acceptattce Of bid Ot Pteposal ten-detwnnotbe b'/ Post'Coutiet.' Telegraph.zrneans. in he &bullnalysiS0fquctedratestochecR the* reascnabdity and wuk*bdity. I be en tenainedandshaäbe treated on-responsive. iii render notice is also avaiaeeatwebsite Manager A1-Noor Plaza, Khanna Dak Sohan, Near Expressway, P. O. Box # 1998, Islamabad. Ph: | Fax: 051-2612250 c ewspaper ep, from Thenews dated 09 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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