Tehsil Municipal Administration Khanpur Tender Notice for Supply Of Power Cable,Supply Of Control Cable,Breakers,Battery Charger,Installation Transformers,Civil Works,Misc Works ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE TEHSIL MUNICIPAL TION KHAIVPUR Fax: 640171 0995-640170, E Mail: [email protected] OUOTATION NOTICE The Tehsil Municipal Administration Khanpur invites sealed bids for procurement Of under mentioned electrical items, in accordance with rules 6(2) (a) "single stage &mdash one envelopes procedure" of KPPRA Rules 2014 from reputed manufacturers/FirmOcontractors/Authorized Dealers. The interested bidders shall submit their bids on or before 23'h September 2024 till 1 1:30 am. The Financial bid shall be opened at 2:00 Pm in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives, S.No 1 2 3. 4 5 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Name of Items Supply of Power Cable 35mm 4Core su I of Control Cable 2.5mm 4 Core Installation Transformer to DB and Generator and civil work Breakers Batte Char er uanti DB to 70 Mtrs 70 Mtrs 01 Nos 2 Nos ditions and procedure for submission of The following shall be the term tender åpe of CDR in the name of T MO TMA Khanpur shall 02% earnest money in t submit along with Fina la!'Bid, Last date of obtain' bidding documents is 23thSeptember 2024 by 11:30 Am which will be o ned same dated at 2:00 Pm. All applicable ta including (stamp duty. DPR etc) as per Govemment Rules. shall be included in Tered prices (if applicable). nditional. or telegraphic tenders shall not be entertained, Incomplet rder shall be issued on the availability of funds. The Supp Other ter and conditions can be obtained from the office Tehsil C)fVlcer (I&S) in office working hours 'Ihe generator should be manufactured by the reputed company and the warranty time period of generator should be 05 years and responsibility of contractor/tirm for maintenance & pair by 02 years. The competent thority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids as per provisions con ined in Rule 47 of KPPRA Rules 2014 00 O Newspaper ( 09 Sep, 2024) from Kppra dated 09 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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