Public Health Engineering Division Dir Lower Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Water Supply And Sanitation Seheme,Water Supply Works ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE or EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Pilli DIYIs101N LQWER. NOTICE INVITING (Single Singe Single Envelope E-Bidding System) PHE Division Dir Lower Government Of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa invites Bids from eligible firms/Contractors having specialization code CE.09 in accordance with procurement rules 2014 on single stage single envelop procedure for the following electrical/mecbanical and Civil works. S:No Namc of Work. Bid Security 0.03% Cost Tender Rs .in Millions 2% Estimated Form Fee 2 AOM&R FOR CIVIL WORK OF COM PLETED WATER SUPPLY SCHEMES IN TEHSIL LAL QILLA PHE DIR LOWER DURING TELE YEAR 2024-25 EXTENSION OF DRINKING WATER SUPPLY SCHEME RAN PH-II UNDER CONSTRUCTION/ REHABILITATION OF WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION SCHEMES NÉ BASIS DIR LOWER ADP NO: 189/220380 23-2 2.969 46250/ 65630/- 891/- TERMS AND CONDITONS. 1. 2. 3. 4. Biding Documents will be available in the office o cutive Engineer PHE Division Dir Lower. BOQs/ instructions to bidders can be the office of undersigned or downloaded from PHED k pto last date JfSybmission of tenders. Bids shall be submitted electronically web site through E-Bidding not later than 23/09/2024up to 12:00 Noon, which will be open on the same day at 02:00 PM, in presence of Contractors or their authoriied representatives who opt to be present. The quantities shown in the BOQ Only •for the purpose of Tender and can be increase/decrease as per actual work done during the curren! financial year. Asper KPRA NotificationN 22 dated 10/05/2022 the Additional Security shall be submitted by the bidders i) iii) v) The contracto quoting their bids up to a limit of 10% below Engineer Estimate shall submit bid security at the rate of2% only of Engineer Estimate. The contractors quoting their bids more than below up to 20% below on Engineer's Estimate shall submit along with their bids 8% Additional Security of Engineer' Estimated cost addition to 2% bid Security. Ifthe bid is not accompanied with the required amount of dditional security then it will be considered is non responsive and the 2% bid Security shall forfeited in favor of Government and the second lowest bid and so on will be considered accordingly. Similarly, a Contractor quoting bid more than 20% below shall submit with his bid an additional Security on Engineer's Estimated cost equal to the diffial amount Of submitted bid and Engineer's estimate along with detail rate analysis. In case of more than 20% below bids, if the bid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis and/or required amount of additional Security, then the said bid shall be considered is non responsive, In case detailed rate analysis submitted with the bids is, in view of the procurement not convincing, their Head or the Procuring Entity may be clear such bid as non responsive with out any forfeiture of bid Securities and record reasons thereof, The procuring Entities may offer the contract to next lowest bidder after due diligence the context of financial difference between such two bids are may advertised procurement of opportunity afresh. O Newspaöér (09 Séö, 2024) from Kppra dated 09 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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