Islamic Republic Of Pakistan Islamabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Consultancy Services ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REOI) (CONSULTING SERVICES - FIRMS SELECTION) Country: Pakistan Project: Integrated Flood Resilience and Adaptation Project (IFRAP} Project 10: P180323 Loan No *Credit NOJGrant NO, t 7333.PK Assignment Title: Hiring Of Monitoring Evaluation Consultancy Firm for IFRAP 1. OnicReputåcofPa.kistan hasreceived inan,cirgarnounting to IJSS213mIion from the 831k the cost ot Integrated Fbtd Resd',ence ard Adaptabon Prqect (IFRAP) h is intended that a potion of these will allocated to covet el@ble expenses Sor hinrgof Fm & Evaluaban {Consulting Sec"e). 2. The MSE consulting servses ('the Seruces*} pnmanl'/ envisage the impact assessment and evaluation Of to Of Prqed Devucvnent Chiectives (PDOs}. (0 Oe'.eocp a Mcnit0fing and E'ÆuaSco F rama,qotk fcr FRAP Project {i) cdlectand report on prqect data physa and progress}: and Oil prtwde pet-iodic intimation pt*d results progress tcward higher-level outcur,es (iv)carry out an Reaw aft'* FRAP pgciect 3 *'vices are to be started by October 2024 and are expected to ccmplete by Oecembet 2028, the detailed Terms Of Reference (TOR} are attached to ns request avessions of i•uerest and be from: 4, The Integrated f-hcd frms to ireate their the required services. Interested consulting rs•rns slu•id "O'öde dccnatjon demonstrating tlat they hue got the required to pedant 5, criteria ate as urd% No. Shortlisting Criteria n. 6. The General experence: firm must have a general experience 08 10 years cd proud' ng in s.atne business. Convanybrochute.detaikd and regisyatizndocurncnts rna•y be attached. Reåevant expenence: The fm must hm•e completed at least two (2) simdar assonr-.ents in least peats asqnS the natuté ptvÆed. gvcludtæ MSE Indicators. data anatysis. stafisfical a.•É research expertise. •ncnqoring. verification and MIS tools & systems ræasvjng of targets. Jhe frm provide detailed dccvnenu• including ewdenæ Of contrad awards, refecenc:e letters, and sYAJd indude ard the certificates from dents, th' addresses and of and delrvetabes Of ptoiece O•æall Capacity Must hne •;ate financial. humm (Cae managerial technical Staff) and resources to the consultancy With demeastrable (CVs fc« specic gcsdior,s rd requied at stage) is drawn to Clause 316 and 3, I Secti:n Ill Wodd Butk's Regulations for IPF Borrowers settir.g forth Wodd Banks policy corißCtOf interest. J. Consultants may With Other fiat'S Of a Ot a sub- in accc«dance he cuaity and Cost Based Seetjon (OC.BS} method set out in IPF in ln•æstm$t Protect financing, Gtcds, WOfkS, and Consulting SecvZes Fourtl EdPjco„ Novembe« 2020). 9. housfrom0900 hours Monday to Fridayt9;OOam to 5;00 pm 10. One II wpyand two pdf copy (Flash dti•.-e} Ofthe Expression c' Interest (EOI) nut be in a seded envelope and submitted to address bebw no later than 17:00 hrs on September 20. 202Q EOI can also submitted over erne. for Which Client send an ackt•nwßdgernent raenty bur reept, In absence cd such a rece$,t please ccotact C&nt oncontact informattongiven Project Director EOBI House. r Floor , G-10 Markaz. Mauve Area Islamabad Email: [email protected] 051-8777858 O Newspaper ( 09 Sep, 2024) from Ausaf dated 09 September, 2024
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