Highway Department Rawalpindi Tender Notice for Construction Of Flyover,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** HIGHWAYS CIRCLE NO.I RAWALPINDI PRE.QUALIFICATION NOTICE THROUGH PPRA PORTAL (E.PAD) The fat are inv•ted Étuineering firrns/ccntractors. as pet PPRA E-Ter»denng System. online PPRA up to date). ACCOTding to R'Ue. all 'the æn participate in wqth longwing tegms and conditions. criteria and other tequiSitO docutnentS can directly from E-PAO portal aner Publication No. No. Name ot Works Cost Location Million District 1 1723 Censtruction o' flyover at Khawaja 2220 R.awalPir•vdi at Ad laroa•d Ra 2 1724 Of underpass at GPO Chowk on 2450 Rawalpi'idi Mall road Rava • ndi Terms and conditions are as follow: 1, The intending Contractors/Firms wno have valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in the relevant category/codes for construction Of Bridges Flyover and underpass are eligible to participate, istea on Punjab PPRA 2. The Contractors,/Firms has to be reg website ( Any infomatiord procedure regarding reg.stration cambe' seen obtained from website e-procurement. 3. After uploading Of Prequalification Document on website, contractors may attend the Office Of the Chief Engineer (North) Punjab Highway Department Lahore on *0/09/2024 14:30 P9T, where all documents will be retrieved from website and scrutinize by the Pre-auahfication Comrvittee Notified by the Chief Engineer (North) Punjab HOhwayOepartrnent- 4, In case of submissi00J0f any fake information/document. ContraetorfFirm will be disqualified from the cu tenderirtg procedure and will bé black listed to participate in any procurement process of CAW Further recomrnendation to PPRA and PEC will', also be made against such firm/contractor for appropriate•ctionf black listing. 5. The procuring agency may reject all bids or proposal at any time prior to-acceptance of a Bid or proposals under PPRA Rule•35 (Rejection of Prequalification} 6, The rejected firms may algo approach Grievances Redressal Committee via E•PAO within 03 days after the intimation. the decision of Grievances Redressal Committee will be considered final and non challengeable to any fOrum, Note: No document will be received through by handf through Courier. Superintending Engineer o Néwspaper ( ep, 2b IPL.8403 from Ausaf dated 09 September, 2024
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