National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice for Construction Of Boundary Wall,Security Barracks,Watch Towers,Road,Patrolling Path,Civil Works ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL TRANSMISSION a DESPATCH COMPANY (NTDCJ BIDS TENDER NO. CEIClVlUNTDC10112024-2025 CONSTRUCTION OF BOUNOARY WALL, SECURITY BARRACKS, WATCH TOWERS, ROAD, PATROLLING PATH. MAIN ENTRANCE GATE AND ALLIEO CIVIL WORKS AT 500KV GRIO STATION SIALKOT Natc•nal Iransmssvoo Compar. (NIDC) a entity constjtLted atte« restmctving of WAFTJA nvdes sesed bds tc«n eltg•ble fims'bldd,ers ftv Construction of Wall. Security Watch Road, Patrolling Paths Gate and a'ied Civil "kV Grid Station Sialkot on hasis of Nat•coal Comcet:mve 2. B'ddng (NCB) Ityw•gh Sngle Stage Two Envelope Procedure etc are avatable at lolkrm•g address given belæw. duöng tmrs: Chid lMaterial Pro.areme;nt and Managernent). Floor. Shaheen Ccgnplex. Road. Lahore. Pakistan, 54000 Telephone; E-rnai address: eernprn@'tdeeonpk 3, A cce•nßete set cf Biddrg Occumenl purchased by an •nteest0d t*'öder 00 Of a tee t'" RS, (Pak Rupees Five T said Only} proct of registratjcn with e*AOS of payment te he *hedukd tenk of Chef 4. The do:uments tdectOd may be sent b'/ ccuier an tee of Rs, 2,000". No 1±12/ wil be•epted br ICSS •or bate delivery in such case. Biddng also te tom NTOC Iree cost, af DocumgpVs tornwlso,ry Sar•cn 5. The bds. gepared accrd&lce t1e i:rs.tnxocns in he tea"' at ort 04th October. 202' at AM PST Technical Bids be cgered sarne day at 11:30 AM PST- Ths advertisement also avada&e cn PPRAarød N TDC websdes NTCJC reserve lights rejec:tim ct bds as defied in Sth floor, Shaheen Camp10Ä, Egerton ROO', Lthöto O Newspaper ( 09 Sep, from Jang dated 09 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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