National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice for Construction Of Boundary Wall,Security Barracks,Watch Towers,Road,Patrolling Path,Civil Works ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL TRANSMISSION a DESPATCH COMPANY (NTDCJ BIDS TENDER NO. CEIClVlUNTDC10112024-2025 CONSTRUCTION OF BOUNOARY WALL, SECURITY BARRACKS, WATCH TOWERS, ROAD, PATROLLING PATH. MAIN ENTRANCE GATE AND ALLIEO CIVIL WORKS AT 500KV GRIO STATION SIALKOT Natc&bullnal Iransmssvoo Compar. (NIDC) a entity constjtLted atte« restmctving of WAFTJA nvdes sesed bds tc«n eltg&bullble fims'bldd,ers ftv Construction of Wall. Security Watch Road, Patrolling Paths Gate and a'ied Civil "kV Grid Station Sialkot on hasis of Nat&bullcoal Comcet:mve 2. B'ddng (NCB) Ityw&bullgh Sngle Stage Two Envelope Procedure etc are avatable at lolkrm&bullg address given belæw. duöng tmrs: Chid lMaterial Pro.arement and Managernent). Floor. Shaheen Ccgnplex. Road. Lahore. Pakistan, 54000 Telephone E-rnai address: eernprn@'tdeeonpk 3, A cce&bullnßete set cf Biddrg Occumenl purchased by an &bullnteest0d t*'öder 00 Of a tee t'" RS, (Pak Rupees Five T said Only} proct of registratjcn with e*AOS of payment te he *hedukd tenk of Chef 4. The do:uments tdectOd may be sent b'/ ccuier an tee of Rs, 2,000". No 1±12/ wil be&bullepted br ICSS &bullor bate delivery in such case. Biddng also te tom NTOC Iree cost, af DocumgpVs tornwlso,ry Sar 5. The bds. gepared accrd&lce t1e i:rs.tnxocns in he tea"' at ort 04th October. 202' at AM PST Technical Bids be cgered sarne day at 11:30 AM PST- Ths advertisement also avada&e cn PPRAarød N TDC websdes NTCJC reserve lights rejec:tim ct bds as defied in Sth floor, Shaheen Camp10Ä, Egerton ROO', Lthöto O Newspaper ( 09 Sep, from Jang dated 09 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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