Punjab Revneue Authority Lahore Tender Notice for Procurement Of Electric Items,Furniture,IT Equipments, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE [INVITATION FOR BIDS The Punjab Revenue Author;ty (PRAY intends to procure furniture. electrical items and IT equipment. For this sealed bids quoting item wiöe rqtes are invited from the eiigible bidders under 2. 1 2 3 4, 5. 6, 7 9, 10 11 13 Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure' in accordance with PPRA Rules, 2014. Terms & conditions are as under: - The participating bidders must be registered with the General Sales Tax & Income Tax Departments Procurement Shall be out throUgh• E-Pak Acquisition and' Disposal. System (EPADS) of Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) only. All interested bidders are required to register on EPADS to be eligible for participation, Bidding document containing detailed requirements, terms and conditions is available for the registered bidders on EPADS at www and Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority (PPRA) Website Bld security amounting to Rs. 167,509/- for LOT-I, Rs. 67,436/- for Lot-II and Rs. 215,680/- for Lot-III in the form of Call Deposit Receipts in favour of Additional Commissioner (HO), PRA will be submitted before closing of tender physically in Admin Office, Punjab Revenue Authority. Basement, 4-B Danepur Road, GOR-L Lahore (Tel: 042-99205457)- The documents cornprising the Technical & Financial Proposal prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding document, must be submitted on EPADS on or before 26-09-2024 no latec than 02:00 PM0echnicaI proposal will be opened on the same day on EPADS at 02.30 PM, Manuaibids shall not be accepted. Tender fee will be deposited in the NBP)/ SBP under head C03370-Others for a non- refundable fee of Rs. 1000/- and copy' of deposit challan shall be attached with the Technical Bid, Ten percent of the total pri il have to be submitted as security / performance guarantee in the form of R / Bank guarantee (as the case may be) in case of acceptance of tender, 0th tee tender will be rejected, Ali rates rnust be inclu all taxes. T Be Autnority will b rized to deduct tax as per prevalent rates. The bidders shoul e their best and final price in their bids as no post bid negotiations are allowed As provided i e bidding document, the bidders engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices (i Ing collusion / polling) will be declared ineligible either indefinitely or for a certain oc The bidde shall finally sign (and include in the bid, the Standard Form, Bid Form and Pnce Schedule) given in the bidding document. Procurement shall be governed by the Punjab Procurement Rules, 2014. If there is a public holiday announced by the Government on the tender opening date, then the tender Will be opened on the next working day. ADDITIONAL COMMISSIONER (HQ) PUNJAB REVENUE AUTHORITY 5-B Danepur Road 042-99205487 ,042-99205457 Newspaper ( us bep, zuz4) IPL-8544 from Express dated 09 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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