National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice for Construction Of Masjid,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Security Barracks,Over Head Water Tank,Water Filtration Plant,Paved Area,Sewerage And Water Supply Line,Meter Road,Septic Tanks,Bore Holes ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL TRANSMISSION DESPATCH COMPANY (NTDC) INVITATION TO BIDS TENDER NO. CEIClVlUNTDC/02/2024-25 CONSTRUCTION OF MASJID. HOSTEL CUM REST HOUSE, SECURIVY BARRACKS. 01 NO. C-TYPE (CAT-III BUNGALOW. or NOS, D.TYPE (CAT.IV) QUARTERS. ot NOS. E-TYPE (CAIV) QUARTERS, OVER HEAD WATER TANK WATER FILTRATION PLANT, "AVEO AREA, SEWERAGE WATER SUPPLY LINE. & METER ROAD, VOS- SEPTIC TANKS, SOAKAGE PIT, 04 NOS. BORE HINES. PATROLLING PATH AND PUMP HOUSE AT 2201t32KV GRID STATION NTOC ZHOB 1. Nöcnd Irrsnuss•::» Despatch Canguty (NTDC) @ eoey alt« ot W&OA imges se*d torn tre Construction of Hntel Cn Rest House, 9cuny 01 No. c.Type Bungalow. 07 Nos. D.Tm {Cat-IV) Quarm, Quants, over Head Water Fitratm Paved kea. Sevenge ald Supply Line, 7.5 4S Road 03 NOL Tanks. Soaka* Pit. 04 NC'. gom Hoe Path "d Pump Houso •t 2'2Mi2W G'" Stion "TDC Zhob of N*iond Bidding (NCB) twot*" Sin•e Stage Two Envelop 2. etc. Cüf Ptoarnentand S:tiüeen Evton Pakistan PostalCode: 54" Fu 3. A of Bddirg Docunertcül by an wre ah'W c#ce md paymemof a fee of Rs. "W, Five '*od cd Mder, tnnk drat 4, in CR •n of R". 2.0001.. No %gliy •dlbcaccebd bes or t*very case. Ooam•wnt alo tom NTOC wob'to free of cog rmeveti purct—e 5, bi$, accordece tr at AM pst be at AN PST- is NTDC & 2000 CHIEF ENGINEER Shaheen Cornptec Eg2fton Road. Lahore O Newspaper ( 09 Sep, 2024' from Nawaiwaqt dated 09 September, 2024
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