National Transmission & Despatch Company Lahore Tender Notice for , Construction Of Masjid,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Security Barracks,Over Head Water Tank,Water Filtration Plant,Paved Area,Sewerage And Water Supply Line,Meter Road,Septic Tanks,Bore Holes ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NATIONAL TRANSMISSION a DESPATCH COMPANY INVITATION TO BIDS TENDER NO. CEICIVlLlNTDC/0212024-25 CONSTRUCTION OF MASJID, HOSTEL CUM REST HOUSE, SECURITY BARRACKS, 01 NO. C-TYPE (CAT-ill) BUNGALOW, 07 NOS. D-TYPE (CAT-IV) QUARTERS, 07 NOS. E-TYPE (CAT-V) QUARTERS, OVER HEAD WATER TANK, WATER FILTRATION PLANT, PAVED AREA, SEWERAGE AND WATER SUPPLY LINE, 7.5 & 4.5 METER ROAD, 03 NOS. SEPTIC TANKS, SOAKAGE PIT, 04 NOS. BORE HOLES, PATROLLING PATH AND PUMP HOUSE AT 220/132KV GRID STATION NTDC ZHOB 1. National Transmission and Despatch Company (NTDC) a corporate entity constituted after restructuring of WAPDA invites sealed bids from the eligible firms/bidders for Construction of Masjid, Hostel Cum Rest House, Security Barracks, 01 No. c.Type (Cat-ill) Bungalow, 07 Nos. D-Type (Cat.lV) Quarters, 07 Nos. E-Type (Cat-V) Quarters, Over Head Water Tank, Water Filtration Plant, Paved Area, Sewerage and Water Supply Line, 7.5 & 4.5 Meter Road, 03 Nos. Septic Tanks, Soakage Pit, 04 Nos. Bore Holes, Patrolling Path and Pump House at 220/132kV Grid Station NTDC Zhob on basis of National Competitive Bidding (NCB) through Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure. 2. Bidding documents, containing detailed terms and conditions, etc- are available at the following address given below, during office hours: Chief Engineer (Material Procurement and Management), NTDC 8th Floor, Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore, Pakistan. Postal Code: 54000 Telephone: +9242-9920 2597 Fax number: +9242-9920 2173 E-mail address: [email protected] 3. A complete set of Bidding Docum can be purchased by an interested bidder on submission. i written application to the above office and upon paym a non-refundable fee of Rs. 50001. (Pak Rupees Fiv h usand Only)- The method of payment will be in thæ, orm of pay order, bank draft or banker's/cashierjs ch up rom any scheduled bank of Pakistan in favor of Chief Engi P&M) NTDC. 4. The documents be collected in person or may be sent by e. ent for an additional fee of Rs. 2,000/-. No courier servic liability will b accepted for loss or late delivery in such case. Bidding eu ent can also be downloaded from NTDC website i.e. wwvCn free of cost, however, purchase of Bidding Document is compulsory for participation. 5. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach at above address on or before 02nd October, 2024 at 11:00 AM PST. Technical Bids will be opened the same day at 11:30 AM PST. This advertisement is also available on PPRA and NTDC websites ( & k 6. NTDC reserve all its rights regarding rejection of bids as defined in Clause ) of PPRA Rules 2004 PID(L) 664/24 CHIE NGINEE M DC 8th Floor, Shaheen Complex, Egerton Road, Lahore o Newspaper ( UY sep, zuz4) from Businessrecorder dated 09 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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