Sheikh Zayed Medical College Rahim Yar Khan Tender Notice for Repair & Purchase Of Equipments,Purchase Of Biomedical Equipments ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** SHEIKH ZAYED MEDICAL COLLEGE,'HOSPITAL RAHIM YAR KHAN TENDER NOTICE INVITATION FOR BIDS Management ot Sheikh Zayed Medical Col*'Yospital Rahirn Yar Khan. invites sued bids 'tea-ors trom he eEgible i,e, mamdacturer I association a' lirms/companies/sole provietor/ general order suppliers( Ws. regi*ted w•Äh relevant Registration Authuities and Tax DepartmenW Authodies (Income Tax, Sales Tax & Punjab Sales Tax etc. the procurement Of below mentioned tenders for financial year 2024-25, t. Purchase Ot Biomedical Equiproents Dental Department 2. Purchase 01 Biomedical Equipments (Diathermy Machine Depanrnent 3. Repair & Purchase Equipment 01 Neonatal Pediatric ICIJ DETAIL OF SALE AND RECEIPT OF TENDER Inteæsted bidders may get the bidifng documents from procurement section of TiS on submission of Wtitten appeatjon along wifi payment Of nan-refundable tee o' Rs.2.000f- (two thousand WY) 01 each tender. as pet scttedL,øe gwen below dtßit•tg working nours itnædiately after me publication ot mis acyettisenunt a copy ot bidding documentst requiren•ents is also available for hlorrnatin on institutional website/PPPiA website, ww•w-sarnc.eduß 1. The bidder Shan turniSh a bid security 2% Of estimated cost each tender the form of can deposa receipt (CORI in the nante o' the Principal. SO*ikh Zayed Medical CollegeHospttal. Yar Khan (Rdundable) Pak rupees financial bid and copy ot COR must attach with technical bid otherwise tne bid be rejected. Sealed bids are required to be in person by me autha«ized representatåe ad interested bidders on proposed dates up-to 10'30 am and wa be opened on the same day at 11 am he commÄtee room 01 instnute in the presence Of the bidders ot tveit auth0Ci&d representatives. Bids received anet due time wu not be 2, PPHA rules 2014 all be followed. 3. Rates should be on EOR basis as tree delivery to ccosiv,ees end fu 4. Fog detaued terms and conditions / method tor the preparation and sutmjssjon 01 Please consuR the bidding documents. declakös the oublic hc&day by 5. Incasetnedateodopeningotlastdateofsaleis government non-wottir.g day due to any r•axt official day shall be deemed to be the date ot Ele and sutnission operüvg tenders according?)' , the ard venue Shall rennin 6. Sir* Stage, two envelop procedure. Shall apped. 7. The list of items is attached 3B ot PPRA rules 2014, documents, quantity ot items may be changed in accordance win lut',dS, 8, Bid be 180 Issuance Oate ot Tender Documentslt linmedately after uploading on PPRA website, Last date & TMT',e ot PutChas€*3.09.2024 Monday at 10'.W Subcrussjon Oate & tjrne OT Pndet Docurnents 23.092024 Monday at 1&.30 am, oate Bids at 11:00 am No. 01 Purchase. Biomedical Etajpments for Dental Department 02 Purchase or Biomedical Equipments (Diatheany Machine O.T Oepartntent 03 Repair & Purchase of Equipment ot Neonatal ICU and ICU Estimated Ptice Wons 01 miticn 02 rriiion 10 Call Deposit Rec@tln RS. • assessments ard procuring procedutesi.e- recepmq. operir,o etc Shall be governed by the Punjab Procurement Rules 2014. • In case any quety contact No,: 068-9230164 820. PRINCIPAL Sheikh Zayed Medical College„'Hospital Rahim Yar Khan IPB.$$I Newspaper ep, zuz4) from Dunya dated 08 September, 2024
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