Postal Life Insurance Company Limited Islamabad Tender Notice for Procurement Of Operations,Maintenances,Upgradation Supports Of Existing Systems, ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** "REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL" "PROCUREMENT OF OPERATIONS, MAINTENANCE, UPGRADATION SUPPORT OF EXISTING SYSTEM, REVAMP OF EXISTING CORE SYSTEM TO NEW WEB BASED CORE SYSTEM, SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE OF REVAMPED SYSTEM ALONG WITH DIGITIZATION OF POLICY HOLDER RECORDS AND PAYMENT GATEWAY INTEGRATION" Postal Life Insurance Company Limited (PLICL), registered under Insurance Ordinance 2000, is seeking to invite sealed bids Tor Maintenance, upgrad upportof Existing System. Support and Maintenance of revam tem along with data digitization of policyholder records and pay ateway integration. The interested firms/ bidders should be registe ithsales tax/ Income tax Department having NTN and active owAjGfFBR website with presence in Islamabad/ Rawalpindi of Pakistan 2. The bidding process will under PPRA rules, 2004, The 'RequestforProoosaI( at 2nd Floor, Postal stall Chief Technology College. Sector G- Islamabad during office hours on submission ot pay order/demhd draft of Rs.1 (non-refundable} in favor of the PLICL pg&bullanload from the website & &bullwww.pprpü*. Properly sealed proposals should be reached upto 2!9September, 2024 at 14:00 hours which will be opened on the same day at 15:00 hours in the presence of the bidders / their representatives. The financial bids of only those firms will be opened whose technical bids are found to be complied with the requirements. 3. The PLICL reserves the righttoacceptorreiectthe bidsandreduce or enhance the requirements asper PPRA Rules. Govt. Liaion & Admn Officer PH. #.051-9192902 c ewspaper ep, from Dunya dated 08 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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