National Highway Authority Faisalabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Maintenance Work Motorway ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** "SAY NO TO CORRUPTION" GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY MAINTENANCE REGION INVITATION TO BIDS 011 SPECIAL MAINTENANCE WORK ON MOTORWAY M.4 1. A'.JthOtit'i' it'tvaes Bid' 'torn the Ccnstrt»ctors, Wth vncooe Tam ant are an taxpayers List at tne Federal aoara ot Reeence having va.l'd reo,stration PüStar• Engneerng it ICE.OI & s CONTRACT SCOPE. OF WORX & RO SPECIAL MAINTENANCE WORK • ROAD DEPRESSION SETTLEMENT AT BRIDGES iC category Ct ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE t. S'/[email protected] FROM XM INNER & 69802.cgo.oo OUTER LANE MOTORWAY m-4 2. "ding 6•ocurneots- contanitO Meth0dTl procurement ISinOle Stage TWO Envtlopesn deta:déd terms ard etc.•wtoe ava.'lat& on ttte wet'Site OCIOW September 18.2024 ror 01 COSI. Prospective didders are also ad'/iSCd ta 'COO'"' said wet&te 10t sc.hewne il 3. The Bids iO aüid+ttcc With tne msyuctoos ceoVidCd the bidding dccameot:s, rrwst reach at thC bC•b3W, C' berote 25/ 2024 till 1030 Hours. opened 00 the sarne at 11 Hoars. 4. TIW Bidders and.or incorrect ittrcrmatjon S.lta.ll be to leg* actjotl. Any ders.Jll wil 1101 té as tiddet 5. NHA Reserves to reject all thÜ bds as PPHA Rules. All Firms aii•hdvised to get EPAOS (PPHA} registration at wwweproeure.goupk 6. Manual Bid Proposi l' Application (hatd *ill be in upcoming procurements. 7. TWS Advertserngit 'S also avana'ble on PPRA wetiSte at www.ppra.oo.k. O GENERAL MANAGER (MAINTENANCE) M-4 Natjcnal Highway Authority NHA Complex, Karnalpw Interchange, Sargodha Road, Faisaläbäd Tel: 041-8459604. [email protected] Websäe: Newspaper ( 08 Sep, 2024) from Dunya dated 08 September, 2024
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