National Highway Authority Faisalabad Tender Notice(3) for Procurement Of Janitorial Services,Cleaning ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** "SAY NO TO CORRUPTION" GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY MAINTENANCE REGION (ADMINISTRATION SECTION) INVITATION FOR BIDS PROVISION OF JANITORIAL SERVICES (SWEEPERS) FOR NHA REGIONAL OFFICE (M.4) FAISALABAD AND IT'S SUBORDINATE OFFICES (GHARTAL CAMR TOBA TEK SINGH, SHORKOT & KHANEWAL) 1. Niliorta:l Highway AuthC€it'f (NHA) invites seee:d bidS regiftete•d Witt' the Income Tax Cepa.rirnent for ProviSiCCi Cd Janitorial Services (Sweem required lot NHA Regional Office Faisalabad and its subordinate offices (6hartaI Camp, Toba Tek Singh, Shortca & Khanewal} ag pet detad•. Catego Sweeperstkaners Manpower: Number 10 10 Hygienic material and equipment cleaning. sweeping, etc, at cost ot at 2. Single Stage TWO ENEI#OS Bidding PtOC@dureas be used by adoptjng Least cost eased seledicgl Tectr•nque Irvirtimtr•n sawy wages Of as pet GO"ernment at PakiSt*t/Punjab vul•eg. With 10% ü'lW'cetnent in rates satiSfäCtory garotvrtancc 01 the cc•ntractct and approval tw compeert aulhtR•ity•:—• 4. All WS bid gegjri1Vünountjngt0Rs. 100,000f• Shape 01 Bank Oralt.'Pay Older in Titled National Highway Authority, RMA SOCOfitV & Retention "tount. bidS security dectaed as NOR-F.espmsive. 5. CompEe set Ot bidding above lite;ntjoned services} contannq detüd terms and ale r tt'te itterested bidders at adtess mentioned bCå3W September 23. 202438ticé 01 Biddir.g oocwnerts iS RS. {Rupees one Thousand Ctily) KO'VRerund;atøe pagati," iO 01 oema.n•d or pay Older itt lavour c" National Highway Authority, RMA Security Deposit & Retention Money Account 8•iddir.a dccun•tetlts can a:lSO d&'i'ßloatféd t•om the WL'bSitC rnellti'jned bClOW tree 01 cost 6. BidS preparedas oer instructions provided il the bidding documents teach at addless meüoreWte/ow on Septenåer 2', 202' Ell 1 IMI Hours. Ertveiope rnafiEd Wit be opened ow the same day at 113D hours as spetifi@d in bidding •echniCäI 8id" documeJts;.Såcond envelope containing "Financial Bid" Of Ted'rically Qualified Bidder(S) w" bC later the date o' WhiSlt Wit bC artet evaluation c" the Tecttr•cal 8idS. 7. A" Firms are advised to get EPAOS IPPRA} at waweprocure.gcv.k immediately, as Manual BiØProposaVApplicaticn (hard copy) WiM bC eliminated in upconng procwemeris, 8. ThiS iS also availawe PPRA at www.ppta-og•e GENERAL MANAGER (MAINTENANCE) M.4 National Highway Authority NHA Complexl Kamalpur Integchange, Sargodha Road. Faisalabad Te: 041 •8459604, Email.' [email protected] Website: c ewspaper ep, from Dunya dated 08 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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