National Highway Authority Abbottabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** "SAY NO TO CORRUPTION" GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATIONS NATIONAL HIGHWAY AUTHORITY (NORTHERN AREA'S REGION ABBOTTABAD) INVITATION FOR BIDS 21 x ROUTINE MAINTENANCE WORKS UNDER AMP 2024-25 I. National Highway Authority (NHA) invite Bids from the Constructors, registered with Income Tax Departments and who are active Taxpayers list of the Federal Board of Revenue having valid registered with Pakistan Engineering Council in Category or above with Specialization in CE-OI & CE•IO for the below mentioned wott$ in Northern Areas Region, Abbottabad:• 3) 4) 5 6 10) 11 13 14 15) 16) 17) 18 19 20 21) CONTRACT NO. RM.NA.2024.EfN.35'01 RM-NA-2024-25fN-3$02 RM-NA-2024-2S/N-35/03 RM-NA-2024-25fN-35/04 RM.NA-2024-25/U-35/05 RM.NA-2024-2S/N-3$i06 RM.NA-2024-25/N-3$08 RM-NA-2024-2$/U-35/09 RM-NA-2024-2$N-125/10 RM.NA.2024-2äfN.125/11 RM.NA.2024.EfN.15/12 RM-NA-2024-2S/N-15/14 RM-NA-2024-2ä/U-15/16 RM.NA-2024-25ifN-15/17 RM-NA-2024-25/U-15/ AM-NA-2024-2 ROUTE (N-35) (N-125) LOCATION (KM-KM) KM 0-20 KM 20-40 KM 40-60 KM 60-80 KM 100-120 KM 120-140 KM140-160 KM 16 K o +500 0-20 20-40 KM 40-60 KM 60-80 KM 100-123 KM 123-142 KM 142-162 KM 162-175 KM175-185 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE RS, 9,500.000M 9500.000M 9,500.000m 9,000.00000 9,000.000M 9500.00000 II 500,000.00 I I mo,ooo-oo COMPLETION PERIOD MONTHS 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Bid Security 190,000.00 200,000.00 190,000.00 260,000.00 240,000.00 190,000.00 190,000.00 190,000.00 190000.00 180,000.00 200,000.00 180,000.00 190,000.00 190,000.00 190,000.00 200,000.00 230,000.00 230,000.00 220,000.00 180,000.00 2, Bidding documents. ining method of Procurement (Single Stage TWO Envelope), detailed terms and conditions etc will be available on the vebsite mentioned below from September 24, 2024 for downloading free of cost. Prospective Bidders are also advised to f0110Q the said website for updates of schedule and addendum(s) if any. The above mentioned works will be procured through NHA's e-Bidding System. 3, The Bids prepared in accordance with the instructions provided in the bidding documents, must reach at the address mentioned below on or before October 01, 2024 till 1100 Hours. Technical Bids will be opened on the same day at 1130 Hours. 4, All Firms are advised to get EPADS (PPRA) registration at immediately, as manual bid (hard copy) will be eliminated in upcoming procurements. 5. This Advertisement is also available on PPRA website GENERAL MANAGER (NA's) National Highway Authority NHA Complex, Havelian Interchange, Abbottabad Ph: 0992-0992-920910, Email: [email protected] PIO (l) 165724 c ewspaper Website: 'ep, 0 from Aaj dated 08 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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