Irrigation Department Tank Tender Notice for Construction Of Solar Based Tube Well,Civil Works ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER IRRIGATION DIVISION, SOUTH WAZIRISTAN TRIBAL DISTRICT AT TANK NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING lmg ation Department Govemment of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Irrigation Division South Wazi ristan Tribal District at Tank Invites Electronic Bids from the Eligible Firms I' Contractors enlisted with Irrigation Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa who have renewed their registration for the CFY (2024 25} and having registration with Pakistan Engineering Council for the CFY (2024-25) in the relevant category in accordance with KPPRA Procurement Rules 2014 on Single Stage Single Envelop procedure for the following works. Last Date, Time of Submission of Tender: Date, Time ofOpening: Completion period: Required Category of PEC 23.092024, 11:30 AM 23.09.2024, 12:00 PM As perwork order Earnest Money Estimated + Stamp Duty Cost with tender Fee ADP 1903 195196 2 3 4 210588 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 10 11 12 13 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Name of Work I Sub Work. Need Assessment& Construction of New Solar Tube Wells & Solarization of Existin Tube Wells CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASED TUBE WELL REHMAN ABAD TSO TANK. CONSTRUCTION SOLAR TUdEWELL QULI KHEL WAM dAdAR MALI KHEL TSO TANK CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR TUBE WELL ANAM KACH BABAR MELA KHEL TSO JANDOLA TANK. CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR TUBE WELL dHERAM KHEL WAM TSO JANDOLA TANK, CONSTRUCTION OF IRRIGATION TUBE WELLS I LIFT IRRIGATION SCHEMES AND SOLARIZATION OF EXISTING IRRIGATION TUBE WELLS IN MERGED CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUdEWELL GHALZA WAM SHUZA KACH TSO TANK CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBE-WELL TARO WAM PING TSD TANK CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUdEWELL ISRA WAM SHIJZA TSO TANK CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBE-WELL GULZA WAM TSO TANK CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBEWELLASAL WAM SUB DIVISION JANDOLA TANK CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBE-WELL SHAKIRN WAM BABAR MALA PING TSD CONSTRUCTION OF IRRIGATION TUBE WELL SANRRH WAM SURCHAR CONSTRUCTION OF IRRIGATION TUBE WELL ALLAMI WAM PING TSO TANK CONSTRUCTION OF IRRIGATION TUBE WELL ZAIRATOO WAM MANGLIN AU KHEL TSD TANK CONSTRUCTION OF IRRIGATION TUBE WELL SHAKARMAN WAM SHUZAAREA TSO TANK CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBEWELL BHERAM KHEL BMK TSO TANK CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBEWELL TURAN KHEL CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBE-WELL SOOR WAM TSO DARAZINDA CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBEWELLKACHOONA WAM DARAZINDA CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBEWELL SPALMAI WAM TSD DARAZINDA CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBEWELL TAZA KACH WAM DARAZINDA CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUdEWELL CHAMA ZAI WAM OARAZINDA CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBE-WELLAMIRZAI WAM SD DARAZINDA CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUdEWELL SHAKHAIL WAM SO DARAZINDA CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBE-WELL TURAN KHEL WAM DARAZINDA CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUdEWELL GADDYAZAI WAM DARAZINDA CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBE-WELLAKHTIARKHEL WAM DARAZINDA CONSTRUCTION OF NEW IRRIGATION SOLAR TUBEWELLARHAM WAM SO DARAZINDA CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION FOR THE LAND OF PATANAI KOT KHEL CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION TUBE-WELL FOR THE LAND OF TOJI KHEL GHIJKHWA CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION TUBEWELL FOR THE LAND OF WATKAI DASI KHEL CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION TUBEWELLFOR THE LAND OF ZAOGEER MASTI KHEL CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION TUBEWELL FOR THE LAND OF KOT SHAMSHI KHEL WUCHADANA CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION TUBEWELL FOR THE LAND OF GUL KACH TOUI KHEL CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASED IRRIGATION TUBEWELLFOR THE LAND OF ELBOGH JAY KHEL SPIN CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASED IRRIGATIO TUBEWELL FOR THE LAND OF MUGHAL KH CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASED IRRIGATI TUB?NELL FOR THE LAND OF YARGULKHEL(BANGIJV CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BASE IRRIGATION TUBEWELL FOR THE LAND OF AS EL SPIN CONSTRUCTION OF SOLAR BAS< IRRIGATION TUBEWELL FOR THE LAND KA KHEL SPIN CONSTRUCTION OF SO TUBEWELL FOR THE B SED IRRIGATION F SAIPALAI ZERI NOOR CONSTRUCTION ATION SHAHI NARAI TEH ILWAKIN (Rs. in M) 2.523 3842 3.842 3.842 2.523 2.352 2352 2.352 2.437 2,352 2.180 2266 2.266 2,180 2.266 2266 2.815 2.815 2.523 2,180 2.180 2,523 2523 2523 2.523 2.523 2.523 2.284 2.201 2,201 2.201 2.201 2.201 2.201 2.201 2,284 2.201 2,201 2.201 2.374 (in Rs} 57500 84300 84300 84300 57500 57500 57500 57500 55750 57500 50550 52650 52650 50550 52650 52650 63400 63400 57500 50550 50550 57500 57500 57500 57500 57500 57500 52650 51000 51000 51000 51000 51000 51000 51000 52650 51000 51000 51000 54450 Terms & Conditions for -Biddin (Irrigation Departmenteueb Site: for E-didding Procedure and other requirements) 03459826022 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8. 10, 11. c The Bids electronically through E-didding on or before the fixed date time. The Bidder shall submit the bids with requisite documents through registry i/' courier services including 2% bids security of the estimated Cost * Stamp Duty in the shape of call deposit (Original} in sealed envelope before closing date and time. For Additional Security in case abnormally IOW bids KPPRA Notification S.R.O. - 2412021-22, dated 10th May, 2022 shall be enforced The procuring entity may reject all bids at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid, the procurement entity shall upon request communicate to any contractor who submitted a bid, the ground for rejection of all blds as per KPPRA Rules 47 Tender shall be opened on advertised date and time in the presence of bidders or their representatives who may like to attend the session, In case of any unforeseen reason, public holiday, unrest or force majeure on the bid submission l' opening date, the tender shall be opened on the next working day at the same place and time, The bid security shall be forfeited if a bidder withdraw his bid, with in the validity pericd thereof or, in the case of a successful bidder, who repudiates the contract orfails to furnish performance security. All federal and provincial duties/ stamp duty/ taxes including sales tax will be recoverable as per directive of the Government issued from time to time. Call deposit of schedule banks shall be acceptable. No Bank cheque or pay order shall be acceptable. If any document submits along with bid documents found false / Bogus the registration of the contractorfirm shall stand cancelled black listed. Incomplete, conditional and bids without 2% of earnest money or without additional security (if applicable) shall be considered as non-responsive- All bidders are required to be registered with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Autority, established under the Khyber Pakhutnkhwa Finance Act, 2013 (Khyber Pakhunkhwa Act EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (Irrigation Division) South Waziristan Tribal Distnct at Tank ewspaper Fax/ Phone No: 0963-512385 ep, from Aaj dated 08 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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