Thq Hospital Sadiqabad Tender Notice for Framework Contract For The Local Purchase Of Medicine Surgical Disposable Items,Sehat Sahulat Programme,Framework Contract, For The Purchase Of Dialysis Items ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE The Medical Superintendent THQ Hospital Sadiqabad invites sealed bids from original manufacturers / sole distributors / authorized dealers & well-reputed finns with sound experience in the relevant field having registration with the income tax & sales tax department, to offer their bids on the letterhead in sealed envelopes for the framework contracts for the following items for the Financial Year 2024-25. Description Frarrvaotl the of McdicinwSurgicaI Disvos±de 1B (Day to Day) and SÖI Sahula fct Year om&bull9nust for the cf Dialysis 2 herns Yer 202425 Estimated Bid Security CGt(PKR) Date & Tine 2602024 Estimated 26092024 4.0 Estimated Bid Opiling Date & Time IEOAM IOSOAM Separate bids will be given for Package # 1 based on the maximum discount from the manufacturer's retail price fixed by DRAP, Local Manufacturers (Medicines) Multinational Manufacturers (Medicines) Surgical/Disposable Items While item-wise rates are req uired for Package # 2 Bidding shall be conducted through Open 1. Competitive Bidding (Single Stage &mdash One Envelope) procedure specified in the Punjab Procurement Rules (PPRA 2014 amended latest and any other subsequent amendments), and is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the bidding document. 2. Interested eligible bidders may obtain bidding documents and information during working hours soon after publication, from the office of Medical Superintendent THQ Hospital, Sadiqabad on submission of a written application on firm's letterhead clearly stating firm's NTN & GST. 3. Biding documents are also available on the Punjab Procurement gulatoty Authority website (www.ppra up he closing date for the submission of bids. 4. Sealed Bi {shall be submitted online on EPADS and Bi ecurity in the form Bank Guarantee (Prs@ably), CDR, Pay Order, or Demand Dr from any Scheduled Bank of Pakistan in or of Medical Superintendent, THQ Hospital, diqabad must be delivered to the office before the closing date & time. Bids will be opened in the presence of the 5. committee and bidders/representatives who choose to attend on 26.09.2024 at 10:30 am in the Office of Medical Superintendent THQ Hospital Sadiqabad. 6. Bidders are requested to give their best and final prices as no negotiations are expected. Taxes will be applicable as per 7. government rules. IPB-683 MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT THQ HOSPITAL SADIQABAD District Rahim Yar Khan O Newspaper ( 08 Sep, 2024) from Pakistanobserver dated 08 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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