Export Processing Zones Authority Karachi Auction Notice for Auction, Of Industrial Waste Material Contain Miscellaneous Cloth Cutting,Wood,Plastic,Paper Cartons E,t,c ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** accelerating the pace of prosperity EXPORT PROCESSING ZONES AUTHORITY Ministry of Industries & Production Govemment of Pakistan ENG-II-003/24 September 03, 2024 AUCTION OF INDUSTRIAL WASTE MATERIAL Public auction for sale of industrial waste material of Dump Yard no:5 "AS IS WHERE IS BASIS" will be held on 12-09-2024 at 2:30 prn at Karachi Export Processing Zone (KEPZ), Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi. The open auction will be conducted as per Public Notice No:812002&bull EXP(HQ), dated:06-II-2002. The industrial waste lying in the dumping area of zone can be inspected to check type/ condition of the lot on any working day during office hours (9:30 am to 4:00pm}. Industrial waste material contains miscellaneous cloth cuttings, wood, plastic, paper cartons etc. 2, The parties/ firms interested in participation in auction shall submit participation fees of Rs: 10001= (non-refundable) for each auction separately and offer their bids inclusive of Government duties and taxes, the successful bidder has to deposit additional 35% EPZAs share on the highest approved bid to EPZA & 10% Advance Withholding Tax as per clause#236A of Income Tax Ordinance 2001. The successful bidder shall be required to deposit 25% ofthe bid amount immediate on conclusion ofthe auction on the same day in EPZA, 3. The successful bidder(s) shall be awarde ract at the accepted price and allowed to liftthe waste material after entof Customs Duties and Taxes and EPZA share, The other ter sund condition of auction shall be under: a) No sorting or segregation wi allowed before or after award of work. b) The successful bidder($byvl remove all type of material lying in the dumping area. C) The successfu b) ) will remove minimum 25.0 metric tons waste material dai d) If successfuLffdder(s) fails to remove the wastage daily as per EPZS requirement, the security deposit will be forfeited, 4. Export Prpcessing Zones Authority & Pakistan Customs reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids in the light of Pakistan Customs Auction Rules assigning any reason thereof, (Ghulam Yaseen Sanghro) Secretary Karachi Export Processing Zone, Landhi Industrial Area Ext, Mehran Highway, Landhi, Karachi-75150 021-99208010 Landhi Industrial Area Extention, Mehran Highway, Karachi 75150 Pakistan. UAN. 111-777-222 Tel: (92-21) 99208041-44 Fax: (92-21} 99208011 from Businessrecorder dated 08 September, 2024
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