University Of Engineering & Technology Lahore Tender Notice for Construction Of Turbine Pump,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** YN!VERSITY OF ENGINEERING ABU-IECHNQLQGXJ$AE!QEE (BUILDING AND WORKS DEPARTMENn (TENDER NOTICE} Sealed items/p•ercentage rate tender far the works detailed tRlow are invited from the approved contractors of PECJ Ciovcrnment." University Of Engineering and Technology, Lahore/KSK./FSD/ and registered with PRA (Punjab Revenue Authority) on the following ten•ns and conditions: - 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, The tenders •will be received at 11;00 AM on thc dates given below and will be opened at 1 1:30 AM on the same date in the presence orthe contractors or their authorized agents, Who care to NO telegraphic tender or tender by *ISt will entetlained. No ccqlditional will be entertained' accepted. Detailed of work can seen in lhe office of undersigned and tender documems will bc issued after the publication on PPRA Website at any woting day during the office hours. For getting the tender documents, fee must be deposited with the Habib Bank Limited, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore in Main Account (01287902801499). The Ptocuring agency reject all bids proposals at any time prior to the acceptance Of a bid or proposal. The Procuring agency will, upon request, communicate to any bidder the grounds for its rejection Of åll bids or proposals, but will not bg required to justify the grounds. (as per PPR.A rules,) Tender documents can be obtained by the inten te rersduring office hours on payment of the prescribed tender fee, which is non-refundabiFi o tender will bc issued on the date of receipt of tenders , tender from a or company part 1 ng joint venture should be accompanied with power of attorney cn proper judicia] "lhe Firn•u/Contractor must have hi«gistration with the "Pakistan Engineering if required. with Punjab Revenue Authority and shing active status of contractor must be •s ATL Bid Security is website t) of the estimated price. The tender is also available on PPRA and University's website Sr. 2. works Estirnated Cost Repairing of YåbewdPlUmp (IS Cusec) at Main BIO Rs567,060/- Renoygtion and Upgradation of Engineering Mechanics Lab on I st Floor in Department Of Civil Engineering UET Ti!me One Month Tender Fee. Rs. 1,000/- Dute of Recei t 24-09-2024 O Lahore. Newspaper ( 07 Sep, Rs-gso 967/- 2024) (En d Masood) Project Director Contact: 042-99029238, Email ID: [email protected] from Ppra dated 07 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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