Thq Hospital Jaranwala Auction Notice for Procurement Of Civil Work For Installation Of Ct Scan ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** JARANWALA Sealed tenders based on item rates ate hereby invited Tor the work mentioned below from the enlisted council lot the tuttent *inantialveat 2024- 202S in the relevant category or above mentioned each in accordance with PPRA RULES 2014 twith up to date amendmentsb Single stage one envelope n,rotedure Will be followed, tender documents be obtained from the date 01 publication of this tender notice in newspapers Irom the office of tHQ upon 'Mitten request, the applications for purchase Of tender shall be an letter head of the cornpanv with a copy Of valid CNIC of the contractor of authorized representative Of the firm accompanied by the following documents (mandatory requitements):- Valid registration of applicant (companv/fitrnJwith PECin relevant category The tender documents shall be issued to those firrns who fulfill the above criteria till date23&bull 09-2024 after scrutiOV Of the applications. Tendered rates and amounts shan be filled the figure as well asin words and tender should be Signed as per directions given in the tender doc ehts- No debate on tendered rates will be acceptable. Tenders will be received in office of MS THQ a on 23-09-2024 till time 10200 AM by the tender opening committee at the above presence Of intending contractors or their representatives. Tenders not accompanied with the Bid ioned in the bidding documents in the shape of CDR/ Bank Draft/ Cashiers Cheque@oÉt'fåiåy scheduled bank shall be rejected. The procuring agency may reject all bids or proø"alit any time prior to the acceptance Of bid or proposal Conditional tenders will not beatcepted, taxes will be charged as per Government rules work will be executed asper detail Of bid which may be obtained from the officed undersigned. Otherwise, nut working day will be considered for Note: In ease of anv hodiday bv the gove opening of tenders. This advertisement and relevant website SRNO. NAME OF WORK ocumentS can also be seen and downloaded from PPR.A OER FEE LAST OATE VOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION to THE PURCHASE OF DATE & TIME FOR FIRM ELIGIBILITY RECEIPT/ OPENING OF TENDERS 23-09-2024 OPENING AT AM ON THE SAME DAY CATEGORY OF PEC C.6 ANO Agovt 1 O FOR INTALL.ATiON Of CT SCAN RS 1000/- NON 23.09-2024 TIU 10:00 Newspaper ( 07 Sep, MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT THQ HOSPITAL JARANWALA 2024) from Ppra dated 07 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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