Police Department Okara Tender Notice for Purchase of Hot & Cold, POL for Generator, Lubricant, Stationery Items, Printing Items, Newspaper & Books, Advertisement & Publicity, Fair & Exhibition, Computer Stationery, Others, Sport Items, Tent ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** Police Department: OKARA DISTRICT Tender Notice 2024-2025 DPO Chra E-Bids for purchasg/pra&bull.ision Of M ic Item$Ser&bullötes basal Fra mewa&bullk Contract from Eiders i.e., firrns, companies suppliers, manufacturers or authorued agents Idealers/ distributers etr engaged in trading, registered With r&vant Regstrabon Authcrttjes ard Tax DepartmenÄij Authorities (Income Tax, Sales Tax Purtj± Saks Tax etc.) through open ajmgetmve bass) for the financial Year 2024-2025 in follw,qrtg Head of Accounts: 1- 2- 3. 1. 2. 4 Account terns. items, sports iterrs, road safety items. mt & tarpal i electronic comn-unati0.n items items etc. stationery ti iterns va iten-s&bdquo F-urmture fixture iten&bulls, otters items, bed & boxes items, cost of otnef st«e items Repaif ture items spart s Repaif ot Ott'*f G terns &bullmount E-Bids V*OUld be O*red on bidders or their representatives Altourt in PKR(1nMiUions) Rs. -000" .5 100 Bid 2% of estimated amount 2% of estimated amount of estimated amount 2% of estimated amount 2% of estimated amount 2% of estimated amount 2% of estimated amount Bid 112000 212000 30000 400000 110000 Lgoooo 6-09-2024 at 11:30 AM under PPRA Rule 30(1) in presence of All Procurements will be.made, usingelectronic means through EPADS under Rule 2 Of PPRA and Section S c' Punjab üectrcnjc Procurer-rent Regulations 2022. bidding documents ccntanng all terms & conditions, requiremerts, .ecmcatico can downloaded onli02 at FPRA i.e and EPADS website i.e Http:// before closing date and tme. Bidding documents in With Rules2S(2) may be available itnnediately aft& date Of pudicaton under Rule 25(i) free Of cost PPRA website and E-PADS in With sub regulation-4 Of Punjab Proturernent Regulatjon 2022. In case of public holiday due to arv reason, the date of and opening the tenders Witl be considered thGext working day. Each Wise E-Bids shall coaprse a package containing Technical ard financial cf au taxes) and in cortiplete conformity With Bit%itng Document must be submitted online on E-Procuremertt system (E- PADS) Website as per following schedule:- E-Bid Submission Date & Time E-Bid Opening Date & Time (Tender would be opened in presence of bidders or their representatives) Thur"v 26-09-2024 at 11:30 AM The bidders shall submit ctiginal bid &bullrib/ 2% of the estimated cost as mentioned in the above table Linder Rule 27 PPRA 2014, Ch.a*er V in an envelope with Oddiru numba and O Newspaper ( 07 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 07 September, 2024
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