District Council Toba Tek Singh Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** OFFICE OF THE DISTRICT COUNCIL TOBA TEK SINGH. TENDER NOTICE Bids/tenders Of the fodlowing Schemes ato invited from engineerirtg firms,rcontractors on the item rates as per PPRA E•Tendering systemtE•bidding system, online with relevant PPRA Rules (amended updated) and LGW Rules 2017, According to the Rules an the frms/contractots can participate in tendermg.ibidding ptocess with the follovöng terms and conditions:- 2. 3. 4, 7. 9. Sr. No The intending ContractorsFirms/Bädders may participate who have been registered with pakjsta:n Engineering Council in the relevant category/codes. The intending Contractors/FirmsjBidders have to be registered on Punjab ppRA webste Any informatiordprocedure regarding registration can seen / Obtained from website p, Bid Documents are available on E-PAD System and PPRA Website also, The intending Contractors/FirmsJBidders have to attach/upload the earnest money in the form of COR in favour of Chief Officer. District Counce. Taba Tek Singh Of the estimated} bid cost and fill rates against items Of work on the same website upto half hour before the opening date and time of opening Of tenders./bid5, However. original CDR has to be submitted to the Opening Cornmittee an the same day haff hour before the opening of bids. After filing the bids on webSite. the intending Convactors/FirmsåBidders may attend the office of the District Council Taba tek Singh on below given date and bids be retneved and quoted rates/successful bidder will be announced in tho ptesenee of Opening Ccrnrnittee. In case of submission of an fake' information/document such as CORjreceipt„ the Contractor/Fi be from the cu tendering process Of Distric€ Toba Tek Singh, Further recommendations to PPRö'•ånd PEC will be made against such Contractors$Firrns.tBiddersfoåppropfiate action/black listing. The Procunng Age acceptance of a bid Of bids, all bids proposals at any time prior to under PPRA Rule•35 wth regard to rejection Recovery agaidi$ it old material wül be adjusted manually and accordingly Pids@ill be evaluated. If the bidder quoted Ivaest rates are more than 5% of the estimated the lowest biddervshall bound to deposit additional Performance Security from the Schedule bank undet the PIGW Rules and PPRA Rules Thebidders should submit E-bids through E•Pad System, The E-Bids be received as per sir* stage single envelope procedure for the as detailed below:- Description Estimated Cost Bid Security Fixed 747500b 1 Rehabilitation I Repair Renovation SCOing Re- Soling Culverts Otäins Sullage Carnet Tehsil Tab a Tek Si h Technical Sanction No.& Administrative Approval NO. Sanction (i)TechnicaI Dated:-20.08.2024 O Newspaper ( 07 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 07 September, 2024
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