Urban Planning & Development Department Rakhshan Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Executive Engineer, Urban Planning & Development Department *Rakhshan Division invites sealed percentage tender based on Composite Schedule of Rates 2023, Government of Balochistan, amended up-to-date from interested Contractors / Firm who have the renewal for the year 2024-25, for the work listed below: EarnestMoney 2%, Tender Fee Rs.1500f-and Tmelimit30- 06-2025 for each work. S.NO Name ofwork 1. CONSTRUCTIONOFBTROADATKILLISORUKKHARANPSDPNO.%IO. TSE-242509541523 2. CONSTRUCTIONOFBTROADAND REHABILITATION WORKHINDU EICost 30.00M SHAMSHAN GHAT DALBANDIN CHAGA PSDP NO. 4334 TSE-242509541563 30.00M ELIGIBILITY OF BIDDERS: The Contractor must have valid registration with Pakistan Engineering Council in relevant Category C-5 & above for works. The Contractor must have valid registration i.e2024- 25 with Pakistan Engineering Council in required Category in relevant disciplinefspecially code Registration with tax authorities i.e. (NTN, BRA and Sales Tax Department), where applicable. Three Years Relevant Work Experience. The contractor/firm must not either be black listed nor involved in any litigatiom The bidder must have similar work experience or has completed or has similar work in hand for applying in the tender and produce certificates (original) of completion Turnover of at least equivalent to 70% average in last three years showing financial capacity of firm Audit Report Last Three Year Showing Turn Over The firm quoting their rates 10% below of contract cost must attached the analysis of rates 'breakup of each work. METHOD OF PROCUREMENT: Single Stage - One Envelope Procedure BIDDING/ TENDER DOCUMENTS : The Tender Form/ Bidding Documents will be issued from the date of first publication till submission dale and time during working hours and working days, from the address mentioned below/ head office on production of green challan form for an amount as mentioned above respectively ( as bidding documents charges ,Non —refundable) deposited in the head of account C-03870, DDO code KN-7099 through Gov ent Treasury ! National Bank of Pakistan against written request which should be on origi tter head pad having name ,address, phone numbers and signature of the contractor. an be downloaded from BPPRA website i.emyubppca.goy,pk, Tender application should mpany with Earnest Money in shape of deposit at call in favor of the undersigned issued fron#nyscheduled bank against firm*s Account. Name of firm should be clearly mentioned on instrument(Peposit at call). Application for issuance of tender documents accompanied with valid copies of PEQfcense, NTN and Sales TaxRRA Certificates, CNIC, and Registration of firm/ Partnership Dee4/Sole Proprietorship/Power of AttorneyfAuthority letter from the contractor in favor of their representative, No tender will be issued without showing the required documents in "ORIGINAL". ISSUANCE OF TENDER DOCUMENTS: The tender documents will be issued from the date of publicatidh%f this NIT till date of submission i.e. 20, September, 2024 during office hours. DEADLINE OF BIP 'SUBMISSION: The technical and financial proposals from intending contractors / firms seale4iriéhe single envelops clearly marked with work title and type of proposal must be submitted latest byx20 September, 2024 at 9:00 AM at the office of the undersigned, TENDER OPENING: The EnveloÅe bids will be opened on the same day i.e. 20 September, 2024 at 10:00 AM in the office of the undersidned before procurement committee in the presence of contractors or their authorized representatives. PLACE OF ISSUANCE AND SUBMISSION WILL BE:- Address: Office of the Executive Engineer Urban Planning & Development Department Rakhshan Division, at Kharan. E-mail Address: [email protected] BID VALIDITY PERIOD: Ninety (90) Days. TERMSAND CONDITIONS: Blacklisting, Integrity Pact andAll otherAFFlDAVlTS (To be provided bythe bidder on Stamp Paper of worth Rs.IOO/• duly attested by notary public) and the others Terms and conditions are mentioned (incorporated in detail in bidding documents). PRQ No.905/05-09-2024 c ews paper EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Urban Planning &Dev: Depanment Rakhshan Division dpr.gob @dgpr.balochista.n @dpr_gob ep, from Express dated 07 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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