Establishment Division Islamabad Auction Notice for Auction,Lease Of Petrol Pump Site ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN ESTABLISHMENT DIVISION STAFF WELFARE ORGANIZATION NOTICE FOR OPEN AUCTION FOR AUCTION OF LEASE OF PETROL PUMP SITE (14,256 SQ. FT), SITUATED AT TUGHLAQ HOUSE ADJACENT TO SINDH SECRETARIAT, COURT ROAD KARACHI TO ESTABLISH A CONSUMER PETROL PUMP. StaffWelfare Organization, Establishment Division, Government of Pakistan intends to conduct open auction for leasing out its petrol pump site situated at Tughlaq House adjacent to Sindh Secretariat, Court Road, Karachi on yearly rental basis through open competitive Auction for a period of 10 years, further extendable with mutual consent of the parties, to Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) registered with / licensed by Government of Pakistan having sufficient experience in developing, financing, marketing and managing of Petrol Pumps. 2. The open auction for the petrol pump site will be held on 23rd September 2024 at 11:00 am at StaffWelfare Organization, Community Center, Sector G-9, Islamabad. 3. Only those OMCs shall be allowed to participatéin the auction who will comply with the minimum criteria specified in the auction-document. The auction documents can be obtained from the office of the Assistant Rift r (IM&E), Staff Welfare Organization. G-6, Aabpara, Islamabad on cash paym91t_o Rs.3000/- (Non-refundable), which are also available on official website of S along with company request letter during office timing. The auction documentw&bull e ubmitted not laterthan 02:00 pm on 22nd September 2024.The auction documen ubmitted by OMCs shall be scrutinized as per minimum eligibility criteria specifie i e auction document. The detailed terms and conditions pertaining to the open Ion specified in the auction document needs to be adhered to while submitting th kpplications for participation in the auction process. The OMCs participating in th uction shall have to submit the bid security (earnest money) as mentioned in {a a-5(a) of the auction document i-e Rs. 1.5 Million in the shape of bank draft / pay p@er in favour of Drawing and Disbursing Officer (DDO), SWO Headquarter, Islamabad along with the application, failing which will cause rejection of application. Note:- Application/Auction document received through mail will only be accepted along with bank draft/ pay order of Rs.3000/- (price of bidding document non-refundable). MUHAMMAD SALMAN ZAFAR Assistant Director (IM&E) Headquarter Staff Welfare organization, Sector G-6, Aabpara, Islamabad. Ph: 051-9244575, Website: c ews paper ep, from Express dated 07 September, 2024
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