Communication Works Physical Planning & Housing Department Kalat Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** TENDER NOTICE The Executive Engineer Roads CWPP&H Department District Kalat invites sealed bids from eligible bidders who can prove their eligibility and qualification as mention in the bidding documents for the works mentioned below. The estimated cost and other information of works are as under: percentage tender based on Composite Schedule of Rates 2023 Government of Baluchistan amended up-to-date from interested contractors /firms for the work listed below under BPPRA Rules. & Tender complete details please visit Fee Rs. 1000/- NC # C02716, Bid Security 2% for each work. Bid submission / Tender opening Date 23/0912024 S.NO. Name ofWork CONSTOFBTROADFROMBOYSDEGREE COLLEGE TO ZABARABAD 1.5KM DISTRICT KALAT TSE-242508535693 2. CONSTRUCTIONOFBTROADOFKILLIS EICost SHAO ZAIALLAH UDDIN MENGALKHOYOABAD DISTRICT KALAT,TSE.242508535223 3. CONSTOFBTROAD&SEWERACEÅSTEM GHOMKALATTSE-242508535083 DEADLINE OF SUMBISSION&bull IUTenders Contain ON SINGLE STAGE TWO ENVELOPE T nicai and financial proposals from intending contractors/firms. ealed in two separates envelopes clearly marked with Wo fitle&iypeofproposal mustbedelivered by hand or through regis d mail to the address mentioned below on before procuremen@pmmittee in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to attend. The Second sea led envelopeåntaining "financial bids" of technically responsive (qualified bi4deru will be opened on the same date. Bids Validity: Ninety daysPlace: The place of issuance, submission, inquiries and opening will be - The office of the Executive Engineer Roads CWPP&H Department District Kalat & Submission Time deadline 08:45 A.m Date 23 September 2024 & Opening Time deadline 9:45 A.m Date 23 September 2024. PRQ No.921/06-09-2024 Executive Engineer-Roads CWPP&H Depaftent Kalat dp:r.gob c eWS paper ep, from Express dated 07 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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