Communication & Works Department Bannu Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing,Provision Of 12KV Solar System Cctv Camera ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** GOVERNMENT OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA COMMUNICATION & WORKS DEPARTMENT NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING (Single stagetwoenvelope E&bullBidding System) I, C&W Department {Building Division, Bannu), Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa invites electronic Bids from the eligible firms/bidders in accordance with KPPRA procurement rules 2014 on single stage two envelope procedure for the following works: 'UUI No 2 Name of Work Estabtt. ot 142 Science Labs in High & Higher Secondary Schools in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, AOP No-346/220270 (2022-23 to 2023-24) SHI- GGHS NarN &bulleeb Estabtt: of Emergency Rescue Services SH:- Constn: of Rescue Station-11 22 at Jani Khel District Bannu, SW: Provision of 12KVs Solar System, CCW camera Req Catg: of PEC Tender Form Entry Fee 0.03% Bid Security +S/Duty E/C+S/D Period completion As per worder Last date of submission of Bids and Time 30-09-24 At 12:00 PM Date of opening of Technical did 30-09-24 At 12:30 Date ot opening of Financial Bid Date of opening of Financiäl bid will be announced after the approval of Tech: bids from the competent autho 2. Bid documents and instruction to bidders can be downloaded from C&W web site ( before the submission date/time, INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (KPPRA Single stage two envelop bidding procedure) (1). Technical bid/ proposal should accompany the following: (a). Certificate that Bid Security in the shape of Call deposit (original) has been enclosed in financial bid. (b). Enlistment Order of C&W Department (photocopy). Renewal of registration for CFY 2024-25 (Photocopy) National Identity Card (CNIC Photocopy), (e). Pakistan Engineering Council registration copy for calendar year 2024-25. Form H of the Company/Firm. Documents showing general capabilities, financial soundness, general and relevant experience record, personnel capabilities, equipment capabilities and Income Tax/NTN Certificates. (h). Any other document to support the technical bid. (2). Technical evaluation will be out on marks threshold in passing all the fields including PEC Registration, Enlistment with C&W Deptt-t Tax Payer proof, Relevant experience in past 05 years Performance, Technical Personnel, required Equipment, Financial status, Auditors report, Managerial capabilities, Litigation status etc. Incomplete/ConditionaI/Electronic bids and bids received after closing time shall not be entertained, Bids shall be signed by authorized persons. Bid security 2% in shape of call deposit (in Original) and 0, 03% Tender Firm Entry Fee of the estimated cost in cash (non-refundable) should be enclosed along with bidding documents. The contractors quoting their bids upto a limit of 10% below Engineer Estimate shall submit bid security to the extent of 2% of Engineer Estimate only. The contractor quoting their bids more than 10% below upto 20% below on Engineer Estimate shall submit alongwith their bids 8% Additional Security of Engineer Estimated Cost in addition to 2% bid security. If the bid is not accompanied with the required amount of Additional Security then it will be considered as non-responsive and the 2% bid security shall be forfeited in favour of Govt, and the 2nd lowest bidder end so on will be considered accordingly. (7). Similarly, a contractor quoting bid more than 20% below shall submit with his bid an additional security on Engineer Estimated Cost equal to the diffial amount of submitted bid and Engineer Estimate alongwith detail rate analysis. In case of more than 20% below bids if the bid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis and/or required amount of add' ' n security then they said bid shall be considered as non-responsive. All the securities submitted alongwith su [I-responsive bid shall be forfeited in favour of Govt. and the 2nd lowest bidder and so on will be considered+dingly: (8). In case detailed rate analysis submitted with the bids is, in view of the Procuring Entity, not conyindjog, the Head of the Procuring Entity may declare such bid as non-responsive without any forfeiture of bid securities and record reasons thereof. (9). The procuring entity may e iligence in the context of financial difference opportunity afresh. offer the contract to next lowest bidder after (10). After commencement of work by the essful bidder, the procurement entity may replace the additional security with a bank guarantee of the from the schedule banks, if the already deposited security is not re may advertise procurement guarantee, (II). The additional security in the form of bank between such two shall be released to the vontractor Four installments i.e. 1st Installment of 25% to be released upon completion of 25% of the proje stallment of 25% to be released upon completion of 50% of the project 3rd Installment of 25% to be release" on completion of ofthe project & the 4th Installmentof tobe released after 100% completion of the project. (12). Any bidder who provides incorrect information, fake documents should be disqualified. (13). Time ili&Wed for completion of the work is as specified in the NIT which will start from the issuance of work order, will be valid for Ninety (90) days-15. Successful Bidder should sign the agreement with the department in stipulated time after acceptance of bid, (16). Call Deposit of Scheduled Banks shall be acceptable. (17). If valuated bid costs oftwo or more than two bidders are same then the successful bid will be declared through draw, (18). A copy of the technical proposals in the required format is mandatory and to be uploaded as a part of E-Bidding before submitting Financial Bids. (19). Scanned copy of bid security i/c Tender Entry Fee shall be submitted electronically along with technical bid on E-Bidding System. (20). Bid security of the 1 sti 2nd and 3rd lowest electronic bidder for the specific work will be retained by the Department till the approval of bids, (21). The bidder must be enlisted with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority as per KPPRA Rules. (22). Pay Order is not acceptable as per Notification Nov of KPPRA vide No. 18, dated: 05/04/2018. (23). The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Act XXVII of 2019 2nd Schedule under S.No. 14, in case of projects funded under the Government's ADP Budget, Tax shall be charged at the rate of Two Percent (2%). (24). Venue of bids opening is officeoftheExecutive Engineer, Building DiVision Bannu. NOTE:- Diffial amount, if a contractor quote e.g. 25% below Engineer Estimate bid than he has to deposit alongwith his bid 2% bid security and 25% Additional Security of Engineer Estimate. (2). It is mandatory to all contractors, who are participating in the bidding should sign every page of their broacher with page numbering and mentioning here total No, of Pages i.e. 1 of 200 before submitting in the office of the undersigned, unsigned broacher will not be considered in the bidding process, INF (P) 2339/24 EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Building Division Bannu from Express dated 07 September, 2024
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