Dhq Hospital Khar Bajaur Tender Notice for Procurement Of Medical Items and Equipments,Purchase Of Medical Gases,Local Purchase Of Medicines,Purchase Of Food,Purchase Of Office Equipment,Repair and Renovation,Repair Of Furniture and Fixture,Stationery Items,Bio Medical Equipments,Repair of Bio Medical Equipments,Vehicles,Laboratory Blood, Bank,Purchase Dialysis Kits ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION FOR BIDS FOR DHQ, (Cat. HOSPITAL KHAR BAJAUR UNDER NATIONAL COMPETATIVE BIDDING FOR THE YEAR 2024-25. Office Of Med'Cäl Sune&bullmteodent OHO cat: Hospital Khar Bajaw invites sealed bids. under National competitive bidding from highly reputed National and International firms 1 DiSttibu10fS" Manufacturers ane authonzee sale agents for procuring cd following items' service through single stage-coe envelope praceøure. under Khyber Pax.htunkhwa procurement Go:oøs. works a service tulOS 2014. Sr,g 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 Namo ot Items I Sorvico Local purchase medicine i.e 1. Emergency mecSCine 2 Zagat 3. Sehat Sahulat Prcgrame t/edica.l gas" Oxygen gas Laboratory bank reagentstchemicalS Bodding clothing Repair Of equipments Repair ot vehicle Contingency g, Misc. iterns purchase Of OiatysiS kits Stationary 8 Pnnting &bulltears Car P Amount of COR 2, Rs, 20.0001. 02% ot tho quotation 'or applied items Rs. 3.00.CCO,&bull. 2, 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 12- 13. 14. 16. Tho rates approved Shall stand affectivo 2025 Sohat Sahulat Program Approved rates for Söhat Sahulat ProgrÅmshali stand effective 306.2026. Bidding documents containing specifications 'detail of the products alcog wilh terms and may be obtajnee from this office office hours, 't'A.JGt typed on with tie quoted rakes submitted in and signed page by page by t wordS figures pr&bullnted form. Hand written and edited bids bo rotecte&bulld. Sea'ed bids will be AM in this office and be oponod in tho prosenco 01 bidcteig Ot auth00ZOd roorosontativo who ChOOS.O to attend the meeting on 11:30 AM on the sarne date Propoeeary eert"jcate Where appoca,ble must eo attached Ccoditional quotations not be enteda&bullned. All taxes be deducted as per Govt rues. The bidders, in case Of winner. will be bound to ensure the suopty to the Main store. within strputated penoa or tirne. penalty ana other act.&bullon as pet Govt rules w&bullll betaken a did securityjn lhe of CDR as mentioned above) in favor Medical Sumnnteneent OHO, HOG0ital Khat ntac:cd inside With the seated Foc senal N', t. LP contractor must have valbZ drug sale Icense, Nearest osntracto:r to HOSPitaJ Khat aajaut wib bO given profotonce. Separate bids be submitted each items'lots Successful bidders Sign a contract agreernent the Met*aj Superintendent. All firms must be registered with FBR where applicable (A J. are required to be With Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority, established undeg the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Finance Act. 2013 (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Act No, XX' of 31, Thé com Otent authority has the to reject somo or all 8idS under Rules20t4, Medical Superintend DHQ, (Cat: "A" Hospital Khar Bajaur. S hyt.» rpa:khl un khwa. k Faith COfiuCdiOt&bull&bull INF O Newspaper ( 07 Sep, 2024) from Mashriq dated 07 September, 2024
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