Punjab Highway Department Lodhran Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB IUGHWAY DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE tcndcrs for the following schenEs are invited trom Engineering firms/eontra.ctors on the item ratesbasis, as PPRA E-Tendering System, inlire with r&vunt PPRA mes lamended up 10 date). to these Rub all the firms/contraetorscan participate in tendering pnx:ess with following terms and ctndiüonst&bull J, intending Contractors/hrms who have been with,hkbtan Engineering Counciin the relevant category/codeg may part*ipate. 2. lhe Contractots/Firnuhas to be registered on information/ pr«redure regarding regbtraUon can seen/0btamed from website 3. All intending contractors/ firms have to upload the earnest in tyr form of CDR in Cavour of thc Executive Engirwer @2% of the eatunatcd/ bd coot and NI rates items of work on the game website uptohalf hour the opening date and time of opening tender, Homer CI)R has to be submitted tothe tender operving committee on ume day.half hour Irfore the orrning or kids otherwise. the firm/ gmtractor will disqualified in presence of tender opening committee. 4. After fdling thc bids on website. contractors may attend the of Comrnissioner 21/09/2024 at 12:30 where all bids retrieved and quoted rates/succcssful bidder uill a.nncwnced in ttr o' Tender Opening Committee. as CDR/recäpt, the 5, In ease of submission of any fake information/ Contractor/Firm wil disqualified from the cu tendering procedure and viJ black listed to particirnte in any C&W Dernrtment. Further recommendation to PPRA and PEC wil dso be &bullinst such firm Icontrætot for appropriate acticn/ black listing. *Ihe re#ct at any time prior to acceptance ot a lid or proposals under PPRA Rule-35 (R*ti.on Bklsl. batching plant and concrete pving Rigd Pavement shan be laid by 8. 1ST/lM/SurfacingshaII by mechanized system, adjusted manually and accordirü bids 9. Recovery against credit of old will evaluated rsno. NL711/Hg Completion 1 l.m,hmn "0.18.56 to 2800 District Loevan Executive Engineer Hghway Division c ews paper Estimated Opening Date 1325 9426.2001. Superintening Engineer Highway Circle Multan PL4413 ep, from Nawaiwaqt dated 07 September, 2024
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