Punjab Highway Department Lodhran Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB IUGHWAY DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE tcndcrs for the following schenEs are invited trom Engineering firms/eontra.ctors on the item ratesbasis, as PPRA E-Tendering System, inlire with r&vunt PPRA mes lamended up 10 date). to these Rub all the firms/contraetorscan participate in tendering pnx:ess with following terms and ctnd;iüonst• J, intending Contractors/hrms who have been with,hkbtan Engineering Counciin the relevant category/codeg may part*ipate. 2. lhe Contractots/Firnuhas to be registered on information/ pr«redure regarding regbtraUon can seen/0btamed from website 3. All intending contractors/ firms have to upload the earnest in tyr form of CDR in Cavour of thc Executive Engirwer @2% of the eatunatcd/ bd coot and NI rates items of work on the game website uptohalf hour the opening date and time of opening tender, Homer; CI)R has to be submitted tothe tender operving committee on ume day.half hour Irfore the orrning or kids otherwise. the firm/ gmtractor will disqualified in presence of tender opening committee. 4. After fdling thc bids on website. contractors may attend the of Comrnissioner 21/09/2024 at 12:30 where all bids retrieved and quoted rates/succcssful bidder uill a.nncwnced in ttr o' Tender Opening Committee. as CDR/recäpt, the 5, In ease of submission of any fake information/ Contractor/Firm wil disqualified from the cu tendering procedure and viJ black listed to particirnte in any C&W Dernrtment. Further recommendation to PPRA and PEC wil dso be •inst such firm Icontrætot for appropriate acticn/ black listing. *Ihe re#ct at any time prior to acceptance ot a lid or proposals under PPRA Rule-35 (R*ti.on Bklsl. batching plant and concrete pving Rigd Pavement shan be laid by 8. 1ST/lM/SurfacingshaII by mechanized system, adjusted manually and accordirü bids 9. Recovery against credit of old will evaluated rsno. NL711/Hg Completion 1 l.m,hmn "0.18.56 to 2800 District Loevan Executive Engineer Hghway Division c ews paper Estimated Opening Date 1325 9426.2001. Superintening Engineer Highway Circle Multan PL4413 ep, from Nawaiwaqt dated 07 September, 2024
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