Punjab Highway Depaertment Faisalabad Tender Notice2 for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE Thc tenders for thc following are invited from Engineermg firms/contractorg on the item ratesbuig, as per Z.-tendering System, inline with relevant PPRA Rules *unended up to date). According to these Rules»tr entircfiims/contractorscan partü:ipate in process fallowing terms and The intending Contraetors/Firmg have reØ*terd Engineering the relevant may having vdid a, The Contraetors/Firmshas to be reistered on infonmaticm/ procedure regarding reøstration can bc wen/obtained fran uebs.ite a. Au intending contractor/ firms have to upload the earnest money in the Corm or CDR in fevour of the Executive Engineer Of the esthnated/ bid and rate against items Of work on the website uptohalf hour before the openi&bullag and ume Of opening tender. However, original CDR has to be tothe tender opening committee on the dayvhalf hour Wore the opening 01 bids otherwie, the firrnjr contractor will be dinualified in presence or tender mng committee. 4. After filling thc bids on website, contractors may attend the omee or Commissioræi on 20/09/2024 at 12:30PM, where bide will be retrieved and quoted rates/ succes<ul will be amounced the-presence or Tender Opening S In cae or submission of any take document such as CDR/receipt. will disqaalified the cu tendering procedure and, be black listed to participate in any tenerirw process COW Department. to PPRA and PEC be made agajnst such firm/contractor for appropriate action/ bhckl:istinv 6, The procuring agency may reject all or props.a,l at any time prior to acceptance Of a Bid or proposals under RWe&bull35 (Rejection of Bids). 7. Ri.öd Pavanen t 8han by.using concrete batching plant and concrete paving m Ehine. 8. TST/ DST/Sudacing shall executed'by mechanized system. Recovery against Odd material *ill adjusted manually and accordingly bids will evaluated.)' Name 1 ROAD COUEG (TAKEN 2.35 Executive Engineer Highway Division T.S No. coap.letio. Opening Mtos.euw ao.09.24 12:30 PM Superintending Engineer Highway Circle No.ll Faisalabad (IPL-8408) Faisalabad o Newspaper ( u/ sep, zuz4) from Nawaiwaqt dated 07 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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