Punjab Highway Depaertment Faisalabad Tender Notice1 for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE The tenders the following schemes are invued fiom Engineering firms/contraetors on the ratesbas.i*, as per PIRA E-Tendering System. onlunc relevant PPRA Rules (amended updatedl. Acco«ding to these Rules the can participate in tendering process gith following terms and The intending Contractors./Firms who have with hHstan Engineering Counc•tt in relevant may paructpate. The Contraeto«s/Firms to be on inromauonl procedure regarding repsuati.on can seen/ obqamed frorn webs'te 3, All intending contractors firms to upload money ot COR in favour of Executive Engineer Highway Giniot @ Ot e«årnated/ cost and fill rates against Items WCtk 00 the same website upto hour belote the opening date and tune of Of tender, Rowcver. ongtnal CDR has to be nbmitted to the tender opening committee on the sarne doyeha.lf hour before the opening ot bids otherwise. the firm/contructuc wül be disqualified in the of Tender Orening Cotmtittee. 4. After tüling bids on website. contraeton. may attatd the proce Of Commis"oaer Faisahbad Division on 21/09/m:4 at 12:30 *here all bids retrieved and quoted rates' successful bidder will be need in the presence of' Tender Opening Commuttee. S. ease of suixnission ot any fake as CÜRjreceapt, Contractor/Firm from the and be black listed to participate in any tendering procesot C&W Deparuncnt. Further to PPRA and PEC will also against such firm/contractcr appropriate aetiont black listing. 6. The procuring agency may reject all bids åaxpos,a.l at •ny time prior to aceeptam.e of a Bid or proposds under PPRA Rules (Rejection Rigid pavement shall bc laid batchang plant and concrete paving machine, g. TSTfDST/Surfacing shall executed mechaaizedsystem. Recoveo• against credit Of Odd Tilt evaluated Name Ot Work Ouabaawt SMgoarta R.04.Yn Ka•rapur C'tv•wt 24.00 1 Km COO 8.53 Sectiona NO. 853 to 24.03 Otstrct Executive Engineer Road Construction Division Faisalabad eusted manual* and •ecardiegly bids 24-Month• Money 91+736 123395 Time 2102024 at 12.30 PM 0209-2024 Executive Engineer Highway Division Chiniot Superintending Engineer Highway Circle NO.I Faisalabad IPL.8458 c ewspaper ep, from Nawaiwaqt dated 07 September, 2024
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