Punjab Highway Depaertment Chiniot Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE Thc tenders (or following wharves are imited from frrn%/cmtractors on ncm ratesbnsis. as PPRh E•Tendcring System, online with relevant PIPRA Rules Luncndcd updntedJ. According to these Ruics the can tnrticipatc in tendering process with following terms and l. The intending Contractors/Firms who have been registered with Pakistan Engineering Couneit in One relevant eategory/codes may participate. 2. The Contractors/Firns have to be registered on information/ procedure regarding registration can accn/obtained from website 3. All intending contractors firms have to upload the eamest money ute brm ot CDR in favour of Executive Engineer Hghwgy Divisbn Chiniot @ 2% 01 the estimated/ bid cost and fill rates against items ot work on the same website upto h01T hour before the opening date and ume of opening o' tatder. However, orighal CDR hag to be submitted to 0Fning committee on the same day..half before the opening 01 bide firm/cmtracto« Will be disq*alified in the presence of Tender Opening Committee, After filling the bids on website, contractors, may attend tßåfice of Commissioner Faisalabad Division Faisahbad on 21/09/2024 at 12:30 FM, where all bids wiU be retrieved and quoted rates/successtul bidder will announced in the presence of Tender Opening Committe. In case of submission of any fake informatjon/doeument such as CDR/receipt. the Contractor/Firm be disqualified from cu tendering procedure and Will be black listed to participate in any tendering process Department. Further recommendation to PPRA and PEC made against such arm/contractor rot anropriatc action/ black listing. 6. TYE procuring agency may reject an bids propal at any time prior to Bid or proposals under Rule-SS (Rejection Of BWsl. Rigid Pavement shall be laid sing concrete batching plant and concrete paving 8. TST/ shall be ted by mectwuized Reovery against "d material will manually and according!y bids be evaluated. Rehabütatjon / Imwovemert cl C.EICentra) Ctiniot Road Uplo NmHD/Ovint/ 21-09.2024 ao.04-20Q5 4.129 at12.30PN DstfiCt Oliniot, Lero : 1138 Dated: I S.08-20Q4 Executive Engineer Highway Division Superintending Engineer Highway Circle No.l Chiniat Faisalabad (IPL.8483) O Newspaper ( 07 Sep,¯ 2024) from Nawaiwaqt dated 07 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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