Local Government & Rural Development Department Dir Lower Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** NOTICE INVITTING E- BIDDING sealed tender Based on MRS•2022 (2nd B' Annual)/Non MRS items for Below mentioned works are hereby invited on basis of from the Government Contractors registered with and enlisted with Local GOVt and Rural Development Department as pet centraliied procedure policy Of the Government of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa fat eu financial year as per following schedule. work Name EstliNted 8idSeeurlty Last date 'time of cost(M) ISO Construction Of Road at Balambat Solarization of Well at Salah ud 0.70 Din KCtona subrnlsslon of electronic Tender 2 Septænber, 2024 Oatenme of opening of Electronic Tender September. 2024 02:OCOC PM 2. 3. 7. 9, The financial bidding be online through t-bbdding system. tender form and BOQ can be filled online and downloaded from the Offci&l website of LGA, ROD after one d,ay• Of publishing bidders requited to fill electronic bids online and attach scan copy Of bid security in shape Of original deposits ift the name Of procuring entity along with tAdditional security if any) and submit hatd copy Of the same printed electronic bid to the procuring Agency Electronu: b4S and Oti8inal caq deposits received through by hand will not bé acceptable. Seared bids sent through registered majlfcourier service should reach up to the soecified tune and date as mention The bidder must have the relevant codes for the above mentioned works as Pakistan Engineering Council. The contractor Ot his representative may be present at time of opening of electronic bids opening. the can deposits i-e, bid security tor the work/contract must be prepared after publishing Of' MT. before Closing time Of the bid apply. The Contractor quoting theit bids up to a Emit Of below Engineer EStimate Shall subt•nit bid security of Engineer Estimate. The Contractot quoting their bids more than below up to •en Engineer's EStfrnate shall submit with their bid 8% Additional security of Engineers estånated cost i/ addition to 2% bid security. the bid is not accornpanied with the requited am•vount of additional security thenyt'will considered as Non-Resoonswe and the bid security shall be forfeited in favor of Government towest bidder and so on will be considered 10. Sirnilarty, a contractor quoting bid more than belo' submit with Ws bid an additional security on Erwineers Estimated cost equal to the of submitted bid and Engineers' Estimate along with detailed Rate Analvsis Of e.E2S*'below engineer estimate bid then he has to deposit along with his bid bid security and additional securitvof engineer estimate) .b;n case Of more than 20% below bids. if the bid is not accompanied bv the detaaedfåte analysis and 'Ot required amount Of additional security, the bid Shall considered a'S the submitted With such bid shall be forfeited in favor and the lowest bidder and so be considered accordingly. in case detailed rate anawsis the bid i', in view of the procuring entity, not convincing the bead of the prxuring entity may declatesOChbid as non•responsive without any 'Orfeiture of bid security, 1.2, Electronic Bidderwho povide false. or rnatetiiaøy inaca.rateor incomDlete O' do not send information in hard will be disqualified as per Section 29 (1) read With KPPRA Rule (43}. Furtherrnore the procuring Entity/€xecuting Agency and sent cases for and will initiateftake action in light of approved pgotedOre/Mechaniyn as per KPPRA ACt section 29 read with XPPRA Rule (44), 13. Electronic Bids temialn valid for days the closing date Of decide the Procuring Entity/Éxecutjng Agency in Light Of Standard Bidding Oocuments The PEC and VRA registration {Active tas payer) must valid fot cu Finanti*l Year. 15. The CentråUted EnEsted contractors with CRW department for the e.trtent finantiäl vear who wants to in tendering process may approach Directorate General IG&ROD Peshawar within two days before tit•ne of electronic apply tor uploading their names on the official website i.e. , Work Order be issued to contractors subject to availability Of funds. CORS not be released to contractors till the award contract. applicable taxes will be recoverabk as per directives of government in wgue. shall te allowed to withdraw his bid till award of the contract Of bid valid, 19, As per KPPRA Rule no whichever is earl 20. All Any .e cu renewal Of PEC/NIC must be attached with tender form tions in the NIT advertised will be *nplemented ASSISTANT DIRECTOR tsr,J OIG'RbCT OIR LOWE* O LOWE R Newspaper ( 06 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 06 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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