Highway Division Sahiwal Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB HIGHWAYS DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE The fenders for the following sehomo:s aro invited from Enolnooring / Coniroelct% on Itte item rates basis. os per PFRA E-tenderlng System. in line with rolovt:jnl PPRA (ornonded updotedb According to these Rules all lhe lirms/controc'aos cem pcvllcipote In tondering process wilh terms and conditions- 2 3, 4. 7, 8. 9. O me intendno Confiocfors/firms who havo boen togis'oted / valid with PgkJstan Engineering council in lhe relevarƇ' categoty / eocies eligible 10 porticipoto. The Confroctco/firms hos to be on Punjab PPRA website (www.ponjob.ep«}, Any informotEon / procedure regorcfng registration be seen obloined from website All intending contractor / firms hove to uptood itte earnest money in the form of CDR in favour Of 'he Executive Engineeti Highwoy5 OiviSiOO Sohiiwal @2% Of the e5fimoted / bid COSI and fill rotes against items of wack on 'he same webßfle upto half hour belace lhe opering dote ond the eper&bulling of tender: However, original CDR hos to bo ta the Tender Opening Committee an the some dcry, holf hour before tho cpening of bids, 'he Firm contractor bC digil iOlified in presence Of Tender OpeninO'Committee, After nung the bids on website. contractors may attend bCiee of lhe commissioner. Sahiwal Civision Sahiwal en 21-09-2024 at 12:30 PMi ids will be retrieved and quoted rotes/succesful bidder wu be announced in the pre ot Opening Committee. tn cose Of subtnission Of any fake such as CDR/roc.eåpt. the Contractor/&rn be disqualified from the ajrre@tendacing procedure ond Will be black listed to porticipote in ony tendering p PPRA and PEC will also bo made ag W Department. Further recommendation to eonlraetor for appropiale aclion/ black h Tt&bull.e procuring agency may reject all proposal at ony time prior to acceptance of o Bid or proposa15 under PPRA RL'le-35 F. of Bids}. Rigl< pavement Shall be laid by nerele batching plant ond conerole paving machine. TSI/üSV/Surfocing shall be by Mect-.arjized System. hildienal will be oc*i5ied manually ond accordingly bids will be Recovery against credit evol:uateciL Name a' Work SAHIWAL ROAO_ upmo OISTRICT BOUNDARY SAHMAI gineer oate C.E (C-ZJ LHR No. HOIsuq / 747/På, Oated - C ernplelion Period Cost/Eornest M One Opening Time 12:30 PM Superlnt n n ineer Highways Circle Sahiwal Newspaper ( 06 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 06 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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