District Education Authority Jhang Tender Notice (2) in Ppra newspaper of 06 September, 2024 and more Tenders and Auction Ads of District Education Authority Jhang Tender Notice (2) ( ) 2024 published in Pakistani newspaper or PPRA |
District Education Authority Jhang Tender Notice (2) for Procurement Of Uniform,White Shirt,Malaysia Grey Dress Pant With Fine Quality Belt,Black Shoes,Bata Service,Black Socks,Jarsi ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** INVITATION FOR BIDS (TENDER NOTICE) (PROCUREMENT OF STUDENTS UNIFORM) The Principal Gosærntttent Shadab Special Education School for MCC Jhang has received budget frorn District Education Authority Jhang during the cu financial year 2024-25 regarding procurement Of uniform for students enrolled in this Institution. It is intended that part Of the proceeds Of this budget to the tune Of estimated procurement cost i.e Rs. (Rupees: Ten I only) will be appliedunderthe contract to purchase Winter & Summer uniform for special •tudents Therefore, this office invites sealed bids from eligible bidders well reputed firms having established credentials in extent Of technical. financial and managerial capabilities for this procurement as well as registered with Federal Bourd Of Revenue tor Income Tax & Sales Tux. Detuil is tabulated below:- Last Date and Tin•e For Sr 01 of Itetn I •ni[orm for Shirt ofD•epti lxxket}, Malaysia Grey Dress Pant fux quality bclL O:p.mlity Bata or latest article}. Black S4.xks (cuacn). Woo.leljccåy Tie (Navy blue Uniform for Girls Shalwar Wlulc• Navy Blue rew of' Deptt: on Pecket of qarneez Bhek Shoes Jquality Balu or Scrv•cc B lack So:is (cotton), Shameez and Sn•h Dupatta white Shawl juris iMaroøa) wvolen t.nly for season Qty Tender U to 23-09-2024 at 0100 Tender Form 24-09-2024 Date and 'I' ender [Teeh:nical Bids 24-09-2024 12:OOPM] Of 20140B upto Amount ofBid Seeurity CDR Of Procurement Cost j Rs. 50.000,•- .411 the procuring Drocellureshdll be governed by the Punjab Procurement Rules-2014 (covered under amendments August-2020) as as corresøondinp eiren/ars / notificurions (or procurement issued bv- PPR.*I Shull also be taken into exercise. The nrOLTrinz• under clause 3.5 or ihese rules reieer bids or Dronøsals an I' rime nrior ro the acceptanee or sume. However. lhe nrocurinz• shall reouest communicate to bidder, the grounds for its reieetion Of bids or nroøosals. shall not i"Sfifr those grounds. Pursuunl iO Clunge 38, sub-clause 2fuJ or suit] rules ulso: single double emelone mechanism Will be ierl or this rement. Interested firms may obtain te nder fortns doc umentS after pu blicution Of this notice during only wotking dÅys ånd office hours by payment Of Rs.54HW- (Rupees: Five Hundred only) as tender fee (non-refundable} agg•npanied with requisition application on letter pad Of firm Of written by bidder after observing the following conditions caretUlly. Furthermore, all the prerequisites ITBs (General & Special Instnjctions) iStted in tender form shall also be taken into account alongside citations of this tender notice. iii- The firm • uld not be debarred black-listed by PPRA or any other procurm.g agency and no litigation should underway on account Of blacklistment process, Affidavit to the effect on legal Stamp puper at least Of Rs. IOW- would require to be furnished [according to sattple given in tender fortn] also with assetlion that prices quoted in Financial Proposal are not over-plus as compare to cu customary rates Of market. Save as otherwise provided, consequent upon audit Observation Ot even at later Stage, if cost deviation found {in terms Of overcharging), the firm will be responsible to refund t' pnyback full difference. Bid submission, neceiving and opening are subject to the parameters manners as well as schedules mentioned in tender form. Sealed bids should be addressed and communicated to this office thnjugh registered post / courier by hand on OT before closing date and time as scheduled above. Technical & Financial bids will be opened in this office in presence Of bidders or their authorized representatives (having full authorization to make decision O Newspaper ( 06 Sep, 2024) from Ppra dated 06 September, 2024
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