Highway Division Toba Tek Singh Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** PUNJAB HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT TENDER NOTICE file tenden for the Jnvited frn«n engineerins the item rate basis, as PIPRA Syst:era. online with relevant PPM Rules 01M1n1ed). Ac«wding to these Rules all the can participate ng weh rollowing teens conditic&bullnv 1. The intending have t*en registered With Pakistan Engineering Council in may p.&bullrtL&bull] pate. 2, has to Any information/ pru&bulleaure regaratng Can J, All intending eontf.aetöfS have to deposit the tender fee in favour 01 the concerned Executive Engineer in State Bat#k Ot / Bar.k of Pakistan Challan form 3ƈ-A (Under the head the OrisimJ the the bids, a. All intending attnch i/' upbad the earnest money in the form COR in favour Of concerned Executive of the estimated' bid against items work on thesarte halt before the ot' opening of COR has to be submitted to me tenoer &bullthe day, half hour the opening Of bids. S After filling the bid an 25109/2024 .t oa:30PM. bidder will tte. [n case submission Ot any attend the on bidi retrieved a,nd quoted in the presence Of Tender the will bc disq,aaUEéd from the tendering and wul to iöu:ny tendering process of CAW Ikpartmcnt. Further to PEC be such Lr&bullm'contru.ctor ror appropriate procuring reject bid' Of at any tirat IFtiO&bullt to ooecpt:ane.e a Bid or P'PRA IRejection of 8. executed by mechanized. S. Recovery Old will be cvaluaa,f4 AS&bullng Executive Engineer Highway Division T.T.Singh Superintending Engineer Highway Circle No.2, Faisalabad O Newspaper ( 05 Sep, 2024) from Dunya dated 05 September, 2024
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