Islamabad Electric Supply Company Islamabad Tender Notice for Construction,Civil Works,Repair and Maintenance,Reconstruction,Roads Construction And Reparing ****** Result for Image/Page 1 ****** ISLAMABAD ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED INVITATION FOR BIDS (18) (TENDER NO. IESCO/PMU/CIVIUNCB-186/2024-25) 1. IESCO invites sealed bids from the contractors Registered with Pakistan Engineering Council and renewed for the year 2023-24 a ong with up-to- date registration in Provincial Revenue Authority & Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) (whichever is applicable) for the purpose of Sales Tax on services on National Competitive Bidding (NCB) basis under Sing e Stage - Single Envelope (SSSE) Bidding Procedure in accordance with Provisions ofPPRARules-2004 amended up to date. CONSTRUCTION OF TOWER FOUNDATIONS RCC PILE FOUNDATION OF TOWER/ POLES ERECTION STRINGING EMMP INCLUDING DISMANTLING OF EXISTING TOWERS/ CONDUCTORS RETURNED TO STORE FOR REMODELING/ RECONDUCTORING OF 132 KV T/LINE SIC GONDAL TO FAQIRABAD (15.7 KM) INCLUDED IN JESCO 7TH STG PROJECT UNDER JESCO OWN RESOURCES (ESTIMATED COST = PKR. 24 ELIGIBILITY: 2 This Invitation for Bids is open to all Bidders meeting the following requirements: a. b. c. d. e. f. Pakistan Engineering Council Registration renewed forthe year 2023- 24, having Category C-6 with Specialization Code of CE-02, CE-IO & EE-05 along with up-to-date registration in Provincial Revenue Authority & Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) (whichever is applicable) for the purpose of Sales Tax on services. In case of JV, all partners of JV must have to comply with the requirement of PEC as stated thereto. The bidder/JV must have to demonstrate at least five years' experience in the field of construction as per registration categories of PEC. A Bidder/JV must be a natural person, private entity, or government- owned enterprise or any combination who is active tax payer. The bidder/JV shall have to furnish income tax returns for last three years duly verified by FBR Bidder I JV must demonstrate at least two (02) No. of contracts that have been successfully completed within last Ten (10) years similar to the proposed work. The aggregate value of Contract Agreements / Work Orders will be equal to Rs. 25 Million. However, none ofthe work order should be less than 30% of Rs. 25 Million. Forthe purpose, the bidder/JV shall provide relevant Work Orders / Contract Agreements & Completion Certificates etc, The Bidder(s) /JV must also demonstrate satisfactory performance of previously completed works. The Bidder/JV shall demonstrate at least the following financial criteria for last three (03) years duly ver'fied from audited financial statements from reputable chartered accountancy firms. Description Average Annual Turn Over (AATO) Financial Resources/Cash Flow Term s & Conditions: 3. The completion period ofthe project is 27@gays. Million Rs. 50 4 4. National Competitive Bidding (NCB conducted in accordance with Sing e-Stage, Single-Envelope S E) method. 5. Acomp[ete setof bidding doc n may be purchased by the interested bidder(s) on submission of (wntten application to the office of Chief Engineer (Development) on any working day during office hours upon payment of a undable fee of Rs. 5,000/- (Rupees Five Thousand only), 6. The Bidding docu éfit(s) will be issued to the authorized representative holding theAut letter of the firm (s). 7. All the bidsm accompany Rs.740,000/- as Bid Security in the shape of Bank Gua CDRfBank Draft from any scheduled bank for this tender in favorofChte Engineer (Development) IESCQ Islamabad. Bid securiW shall be valid for 28 days beyond bid validity and bid shall be valid for 90 days. & Bid must be delivered to Chief Engineer (Development) IESCO Street No 40, Sector G-7/4, Islamabad on or before 24409.2024 at 1100 Hours and Bids will be opened at 1130 Hours in the office of Chief Engineer (Development) IESCO Headquafters Street No.40, Sector G-7/4 Islamabad on the same date in the presence of participants or their authorized representative(s) who choose to attend bearing Authority letters. 9, No conditional bids orbidsreceivedthroughemailshall be accepted 10. ThlS advertisement is also available on Public Procurement Regulatory AuN10fity (PPRA) & IESCO websites. 11. IESCO reserves the right to reject the bids as per Ru e-33 (1) of PPRA Rules-2004 (amended to date) Chief Engineer (Development), 'ESCO Headquarters, Street # 40, Sector G-7/4, Islamabad Phone No. +92-51-2378045, Fax No.+92-51-9252345 Email: [email protected] O Newspaper ( 05 Sep, 2024) from Businessrecorder dated 05 September, 2024
Send us WhatsApp Msg to Activate Tender Service : 03441423583
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